Chapter 32 " Can't Remember "

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Sophie's POV

I woke up by the sun rays falling directly on my eyes and causing me to grimace and squint my eyes to see. The morning rays were blinding me and it was so goddamn irritating.

My head was throbbing and felt all heavy like someone just hammered it. The sun rays were not helping at all, making me more annoyed. I tried to open my eyes again and noticed I was snuggled in a bed very comfortably and wrapped up in a very soft and cozy looking black duvet.

I clutched my head which was pounding heavily and tried to sit up and opened my eyes. I groaned as the throbbing in head increased as I tried to move but somehow managed to sit up and leaned my back towards the headboard.

I looked around myself and the first thing I noticed was, I was in a bedroom.

Clearly, I was in a bed. The mattress was really soft and comfy, covered in white sheets made of silk while the duvet was black. The pillows were also white and huge in size but very fluffy. It was like sleeping on a cloud.

I looked around the room a little bit.

The walls were painted totally white with some beautiful carvings on it in black colour making it look more elegant. There were two bedside tables on the both sides of the bed and a dressing table in one corner with some accessories like watches, perfumes and other products.

There were three doors. One of them was just in front of me and the other one was to my left. One of them was probably the main door and the other one was maybe the bathroom. The third one was comparatively narrower and a little bit different looking. It looked like a walk in closet to me.

I looked behind me, and just above the headboard of the bed, there were big glass windows. It was covered by sheer white curtains which were really thin and did nothing to stop the sun rays coming in the bed room but the curtains were open right now.

I looked beside the window and there was a glass door, also covered with the same kind of curtains just in full length and the sun rays were also entering the room from there casting a shadow of the glass window. I realised it was a balcony.

The bedroom looked so beautiful with the sun lights lighting up the room and casting beautiful shadows on the white walls.

But it was unfamiliar.

Clearly, it was some man's room as white and black were the dominating colours in the bedroom décor. Everything was in it's place and very clean and looked expensive. The owner was rich as well.

But I didn't know whose room was it.

Where was I even? I couldn't remember anything. I just woke up with a throbbing head, in an unfamiliar bedroom, snuggled up in someone else's bed.

I tried to remember how I ended up here but the pounding in my head just increased as I tried really hard. I looked around in the bed and bedside tabled to look for my phone or something that's when I noticed that I was wearing a red dress. It looked at it and frowned.

It looked oddly familiar.

My eyebrows creased as I tried to remember again despite the throbbing in my head when suddenly, like a splash of cold water, it all came back to me. The dress brought back all the memories of previous night.


Like a flashback every single moment of last night played across my mind.

And I wanted nothing more than to just hide in some hole and disappear so I never have to face my boss again. It will still be better than the embarrassment I would have to face.

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