Chapter 24 "I Don't Want This"

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Alexander's POV

It has been two days since that incident. Since I said those horrible words to her. And honestly, I don't think I've felt more miserable in my entire life than now.

I haven't been able to concentrate on anything because of a certain girl whose teary eyes appear in front of my face every single time I try to forget about it.

I clearly remember, it was lunch time and I was just leaving my office for some work when I noticed Claire was not present in the reception area but something else or rather someone else caught attention.

There was Sophie standing there, laughing. It felt so good just to see her laughing that I didn't even realise that I was smiling.

If only I could hear that laugh forever.

But that smile was gone almost as soon as it came when my eyes fell upon someone else. She wasn't alone. There was a guy standing really close to her for my liking and laughing with her. I've seen him a few times around here and I know that he's a employee here.

They didn't know that I was just a few metres away from them so I cleared my throat to get their attention.

As soon as they noticed my presence, I dismissed the guy before leaving Sophie standing there alone without a single glance. I don't even know why I reacted the way I did. Why was I so pissed, seeing her happy with some other guy?

To be honest, I felt really angry at myself for acting so rudely with her but I have to maintain this distance from her. I don't even know what is it that's happening to me. It's like my feelings are all over the place.

Because of her.

The rest of the day I spent burying myself in a pile of work just to forget about her. I avoided her for the entire day and emailed her to inform her of something.
I have to avoid her. Maybe then this infatuation will go. Yeah it's just some attraction. It can't be more. I don't do relationships besides its going to fade away with time, I just need to avoid her.

It late in the evening and I was just sitting in my office doing nothing. I was tired after the all the work but I decided to leave the office later than usual just to avoid running into my cute little assistant.

I cursed myself instantly when I realised I was yet again thinking about her and called her cute. I can't even describe how fucking frustrated I am right now. I want to get angry at her and blame her for making me this crazy but who am trying to fool? She can even melt the devil's heart with her innocence. Those blue eyes that speak millions of thing with even uttering a single word, her cute little nose, her plump lips...

Who am I to escape her spell?

I leaned my head back against the soft leather material of my chair and closed my eyes, trying really hard to forget about that little vixen.

I was just relaxing when there was a knock on my office door. Without opening my eyes I replied with a 'come in'.
A few seconds later I heard the person enter my office and close the door with a soft click. I waited for the person to say something but he or she just decided to stay quiet. Curiously, I slowly opened my eyes to see none other than the girl I was trying to avoid herself. I admit I felt a little happy, okay, a Lot happy to see her after a long day but I didn't let any emotion show.

I opened my eyes to look at her slowly only to find...was she..?

Was checking me out?

It seemed like she was enjoying staring at me but I didn't mind. She was looking at me with this faraway look in her deep blue eyes while her head was slightly tilted towards her right. She looked so good. To be honest, I can stare at her all day, every day, and still not get bore but I controlled these thoughts because right now it wasn't the time to think of it.

I turned my whole attention to her gain and I had to pull her out of her dreams by calling her out.

"Do you need something or are just going to stand there ?"

Rude. I know.

It was like someone just poured icecold water on her to wake her up from the way she slightly jumped a little unexpectedly. As soon as she realized she had been caught daydreaming, a blush came on her face making her look brighter and I loved this look on her.

She composed herself and said how she noticed the lights of my office were on so she came to check in real quick. She even told me I should head back home and get some rest as I must be so tired after such a long day.

It actually really warmed my heart to no extent. The worry in her voice, the concerned expression that she wore. No girl ever cared for me in this way. Here is my Sophie, taking care of me without wanting nothing from me in return.

That's one thing I admire about her. She is selfless. She thinks, cares about other so much.

And I don't deserve her.

It really annoyed me but I reminded myself that she can't be close to me. With that, I wore the blank look on my face again. It was clear she did not like me hiding my emotions from the look on her face. She flinched a little by the sudden change in my demeanour and looked hurt.
She was not making it easy for me. She just pulling me closer to her with he sweetness.

But the nest thing I said only intensified that look of hurt on her beautiful face.

"You don't need to care for my health. You're just an assistant. "

The venomous words left a bitter taste in my mouth but it was too late to take it back.
And my own eyes widened when I realise what I said and the way I said it.

But She heard it.

Her eyes widened, brows furrowed and her mouth hung open in a really hurtful expression. It broke my heart to cause her this much pain.

And then, I watched as her eyes started glistening and tears of absolute welled up in those eyes. It tore my heart into shreds to know that I'm the cause of those tears.
But before they could escape, she leat my office while muttering a quiet 'sorry'.


Why did I even say that? I didn't even mean any of that. How can I think of her JUST my assistant. I can't even get her out of my mind. God...I feel like the biggest jerk and asshole for making her cry. It really pained me to see those tears in her eyes.

Two days.

It's been two fucking days.

And I still can't forget about it. I feel like the worst person in the entire world for saying those hurtful and meaningless words to her. And the guilt is eating me from inside.

I didn't get to see her since it's holiday so she did not come to office. I didn't get the chance to talk to her or even see her.

I have to apologise.

But I should stay away from her. Right?

Fuck it!

I can't stay away from her. I don't want to stay away from her.
I don't want this.
I don't want to fight this attraction.
I have to make it right.

I need to fix this.

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This Chapter is dedicated to fatsqadar11 for supporting my book so much.

100 VOTES  and I'll update next chapter.

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