※ 19 ※

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"Alright, Ms. Ashley, what are we looking at?" Danny asks, calming his laughter. He releases a final snort, causing me to giggle.

I straighten my back against the chair, pointing at each location's footage. "L.A, Seattle, Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Atlanta, and Baltimore."

"Looks like we've got the country covered with Renegades," Daniel says.

"I sure hope so," I say. I sift through more video streams of different locations, all of them locked down by Renegades in dark vests.

I pull the footage of Fort Collins back on the screen, spotting Ronan and his friends coming in our direction. Danny and I take it as a cue to get out of the camera room and disarm the two Guards. I hustle Daniel out of the room and make him check the man in the bathroom.

I laugh as he climbs the stairs again. What comes around goes around, Danny.

"Lovely sight in there," Danny says a moment later as he dismounts the stairs. I swing open the front door, and we head out of the building, starting in the direction of the others. Once Danny and I reach Ronan's group, we help to set up a census table at the stairs of the hospital. It's definitely more fitting to restart a country near a place you heal rather than at a place you terrorize.

"The announcement should be coming on soon," Ronan says. A few minutes later, the ElectroBoards recite a message loudly.

"Attention all citizens of the ISA. Please report to the nearest hospital for a census. The Imperial forces no longer have control over your town or city. You are safe from any danger."

The message clicks off, and I give the streets another good scan. So dirty and poor. I hope that changes soon, for everybody.

Already, people start to make their way towards our station, some walking calmly while others peep out windows or tread fearfully. I don't blame them. I'd be a little startled, too. Danny takes some census sheets our of a compartment in his bag and gives them to Sarah.

"Your full name and age, please," Sarah says to the first person in our ever-forming line.

"Vince Robert Yule," the man says. Appearing worn-out with his gray hair and rough skin, I can tell he's relieved by the change of leadership. He shakes all of our hands and tells us he's glad he's alive to see the ISA taken down.

"We are, too, sir, please take a seat nearby and wait for everyone to be accounted for," Sarah says as she writes the name of another person.

For the next however many people in line, this pattern continues. After two hours, we've gone through everyone, including some stragglers Danny and I wrangled when Ronan sent us to sweep through houses. We've even got about 60 people to sign up as back-up Renegades in case we need them.

Once the last citizen of Fort Collins has been counted, Ronan makes his announcement. He stands on a chair, peering down at the crowd. Calling everyone's attention, he begins his spiel.

"As you all know, the Renegades have seized the Imperial States. Since we're all a part of a new country, we're going to set up some local and national governments. All of your help is needed to make this successful. It's necessary for all adults and teens to participate somehow. For our enlisted Renegades, you'll be helping myself and the other Renegades during and after the initial restoration of Fort Collins."

The citizens digest the new information. Subconsciously, I glance at Danny. His arms are crossed over his chest, and he watches all the people carefully.

"First, we're going to wait for Renegade leaders to make their address to the entire country. It'll include everything we need to know, including a specific plan for reconstruction and clean-up. The first step will be removing all the cameras from homes and businesses."

Fort Collins claps in support. The hollow faces and thin figures visibly brightened by the prospect of hope. Hope for a job, freedom, and a better life.

Ronan finishes his speech and earns another round of applause as he steps off the chair. The crowd returns to its talkative state, and I catch only snippets of voices in the mix.

Danny calls Ronan over to us, and he explains that we're going to be flown to Baltimore to help the efforts there. My mind refuses to listen after I hear my hometown.


My heart yearns to be home. Mom, Matt, John, and all of my other sibling are going to be there. We can finally have a normal life. Everything will be stable and okay again.

Danny calls my name, and I'm back in reality again. After we say our goodbyes, we journey towards the nearest clearing. I can't help but be sarcastic.

"Thanks for warning me we're going back to Baltimore," I say to Danny once we're out of earshot from the other Renegades.

"No problem," Danny smirks. I shoot him a glare that makes his grin wider.

Danny and I continue our walk until we reach the edge of town. We hike through the same pine forest we entered until we reach the clearing. Danny uses his multi-purpose compass to send our exact location to the helicopter.

"What else does that compass do?" I ask, needing something to do with my anxious fingers. I force my bow into Danny's hands, taking out my ponytail and re-doing it.

"More than I can reveal," Danny replies in a mock-mysterious voice. It earns him a good-natured shove from me.

"I can't believe we're done," I say, referring to the mission. "I thought it was going to be more dangerous"

Danny gives me a funny look. "There was plenty of danger in the mission, darling. You got a knife stuck in your shoulder for crying out loud."

"Yeah, I realize that," I say. "It still throbs a bit, but that aspirin helped."

"Well, when the helicopter touches down, I expect your best."

"What?" I say as Danny chuckles to himself.

"You're my girlfriend, aren't you?"

"Danny," I groan.

"I'll pay you," Danny offers.

"No!" I say with a laugh, motioning for my bow. "That money's not going to be worth anything. Renegades probably aren't going to use Imperial States bills."

"Fine, then I'll owe you a favor somehow." He hands me my weapon.

I marginally consider the offer. Why am I refusing such a great guy anyways? I nearly laugh out loud. Danny beat me to a pulp twice, and he's a complete jerk. "Why is this so important to you?"

Danny smirks as we spot the helicopter flying in from above. "Because each kiss from you is worth an million notes."

"I doubt that," I scoff with an exaggerated emphasis, "a lot."

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oh, danny, you and your shenanigans never stop ;)

Comment any synonyms for "shenanigans" below because i can't think of any lol.

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