29.No longer a secret

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I was absolutely pissed off .Pissed off is an understatement.I was furious.

I paced around in my home office waiting for Fredrick Erikson to pick up the phone.

Fred was my friend and he worked for the FBI actually he headed the New York Department.We met a few years before when Mark and I were partying in the Mediterranean.It was at this party on Paradise Island.He was a good acquittance and when you got a third glass of alcohol in him,that's when he really got fun.

"Damon Stark.What is so important that you had to call me at one in the morning?" He began "before you answer that...I am not going to Vegas with you again.My wife told me to stay away from you and my doctor said you're bad for my health."

"Say what you want Fred we had fun in Nevada and you know it.Now I need your help."

"My assistance will still be available in the morning Damon.Now let me go back to bed," he complained "Didi has been keeping us up all night and we have barely been getting any sleep."

Didi was his new born daughter .She was a cute baby and had quite the set of lungs.That baby could scream your ears off.

"Call me in the morning Suzanne just put her down.My stubborn wife refuses to get a nanny,apparently it's important that she bonds with the baby and that can only be accomplished by us staying up all night trying to get her to go to sleep."

"This can't wait a Fred."I told him the whole problem and he agreed to help .He also asked me some questions like who I suspected it could be.

I had no idea who it was and this person displayed a great interest in Andrea meaning it was someone whom she had met but I had no clue who that was.Whoever it was knew me and I knew them but I just could figure out who they were.This problem had to be delt with and fast.Andrea was in danger and I would not rest till she was safe once more.

"I'll have someone bring the device you by morning."I said staring at Andrea's iPhone.It had a red cover and the wallpaper was her and I at the beach in Miami.

"I'll have the information by tomorrow evening."I sighed then ended the phone call.Tommorow evening was a long time to wait and I don't like anybody threatening Andrea's safety for even a minute.

"Damon."Someone called in a soft voice.It was her,Andrea.I turned around to face her.She was leaning against the doorframe in nothing but my shirt.The shirt only covered her up to her mid thigh.Her dark silky hair was messy and I found it really sexy.

"Yes baby?"

"Come back to bed."She said walking towards me.Was it just me or was she walking in slow motion?

She ran her fingertips down my bare chest in and stopped at the hem of my white boxers.

"As you wish." I agreed to going back to bed but no sleeping was going to take place.


I woke up earlier than Damon that morning.He said he would handle the issue and I believed him because I love him and he loves me.

I did not expect to fall for him so fast but I did.Damon had stolen my heart.

We were having breakfast at I don't know what time it was.I usually use my phone to check the time and I had not seen it since I gave it to Damon the day before.

"Damon" I said "where is my phone?" I was just curious about what he had done with it not that I wanted it.

"Don't worry about it" he had the same response when I had asked him about the stranger that was texting me earlier. "...wait here" He stood up and left the room.

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