A word from the author

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All characters and events in this book belong to me and should not be subjected to plagiarism.

I constantly kept making mistakes like deleting the story so... but it's finally here.

If you don't find it interesting just hold on things will get steamy soon.This is my first work by the way.You can find my other one on my profile.

If you happen to know me outside of this app or website and you think my writing is crappy or dirty don't judge me.Plus there are lots of books on this site that are dirtier much much .

I would rate this book around PG13 or 16 at most.

For the people who want smut it will be written on my restricted chapters work.You can find it on my profile.

This is the synopsis of the book.

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Meet Damon Anthony Stark
New York's hot billionaire.Every girl on the planet wants a piece of him.Who wouldn't? With his piercing blue eyes, god-like body, sexy voice and seductive words.He gets what he wants when he wants it. Not this time, the one thing he craves for he can't have.She is completely out of bounds.

Then there is Andrea Castro.
Beautiful daughter of powerful hot head business man, Sebastian Castro.He doesn't want her around men.Especially his recent business partner Damon Anthony Stark.What happens when Andrea develops a strong attraction towards him?

Will Damon win Andrea's heart even after he lied to her?

Are the two made for each other and most importantly will their relationship survive through all the ups and downs that await them?

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Thanks in advance.

*Sean O'pry as Damon Stark.
*Lily Collins as Andrea(Drea) Castro
*Miguel Pinzon as Kai
*Jon Kortajarena as Luca Solano
*George Clooney as Jonathan Stark

The cast is not made based on my feelings for the person.I have nothing against any of these people.I feel they would portray the role very well and bring the characters to life.

I will find more cast members,for now you can use you imagination.

I love you and I hope you like the book.


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