22.Back in town

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Thoughts and worries rushed through my mind at a thousand miles a minute.I had never been caught making out with a boy in my life.Hell,I had never made out with a boy in my life except for Damon.

When we were making out in the park a few months before the only people who saw us were complete strangers.This time it was Lance and James.

My dad hates being lied to or when people hide things from him.If he was to find out about Damon and I,it would get ugly.

I moved in my seat trying to make my tense self more comfortable as we headed to the airport.Lance was sat next to me in the back seat as James was behind the wheel.

Would they tell someone?

This would attract unwanted attention not to mention my dad would know .He would know that I completely ignored what he told me and went right ahead to do the exact opposite .I didn't think dad was going to understand that the heart wants what it wants .

Maybe if I just asked them not to say anything about it they would not.There was only one way to find out.

"Can you guys do me a favor?"I asked.Lance looked up from his cell phone and directed his gaze towards me.In the past two days the man had become more comfortable around me and I was glad .

"It depends miss."said James.

"Yes."Lance spoke at the same time James was replying.

"Please don't tell anyone about what happened this morning."I almost begged.Damon had told me to act like the two bodyguards never saw anything but I just could not let it go.Right now he was in the black car ahead of us going to a similar destination.

"It's ok,we will not tell a soul.Right James?"Lance asked the bodyguard firmly.

"Your personal affairs do not affect me.My job is just to keep you safe till you arrive at the airport and are safely in the plane."He said bluntly.James was never nice he was always quiet and often kept to himself while doing his job.

I took that as a yes and chose to ignore him for the rest of the ride.Maybe he was a man that stuck to his job and strictly went by the book.

Arriving at the gates of the vast airport and cruised through security before driving to the private section where Damon's jet awaited.Everything was going well and the trip was almost over,soon we would be in New York.

Thankfully the tabloids had left me alone ever since they found out Luca had left for Madrid on Friday and that he and I were not dating.

I went and sat next to Damon on the jet.Apparrently,to him I was not close enough because he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me even closer to him .Lance let out a low snort of laughter at our behaviour.

"I missed you."Damon said.

"But you just saw me this morning,"

"No before yesterday when you were still pretending to hate me,"he put emphasis on the word 'pretending'.

"I missed touching you,"he continued running a hand over my arm."I missed kissing you " he gave me a light peck on the cheek."I missed everything about you "I felt my cheeks heat up.

We watched a movie while having a snack he had ordered for us .I dreaded landing in New York because I was really enjoying spending time with him .Once we got back to the city it was going to be hectic in the office plus we would have to hide our relationship from my father .Damon noticed that something was on my mind.

"What are your thinking about?"He took the remote and paused the movie.

"You know once we get back to town we will have to keep this a secret."

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