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TW- blood

September 10th, 1954. 1:00pm. Lubbock Public Health

"It's right here, Miss Winter, clear as day. You're pregnant." Dr. Johnson tells me.

Buddy squeezes my hand hard. "Are you sure, doc?"

"Sorry, kid, there's no getting around this. Blood doesn't lie."

I feel all of the blood start rushing to my face and tears starting to well up. I can't be pregnant. I'm only seventeen.

"You're about a month or so along now, have you been using protection?"

"Of course, we, uh, didn't want this happenin'..." Buddy mumbles. "But I guess somethin' slipped up..."

"You know the only birth control that works 100% of the time is abstinence?" Dr. Johnson replies. "Didn't they teach you that in school?"

"Now might not be the time, doctor," the nurse looks at me sympathetically. "They clearly have a lot to discuss."

"Yeah, you're right, Jane. Here, we'll get you another appointment for here in a couple of weeks. Start taking some prenatal vitamins."

"Uh-huh...yeah, I will..." I wipe my eyes, definitely smearing my makeup.

"I'll see you in early October, okay? I'll have my secretary call you and set up an exact day."


"Good luck, kids, you're gonna need it."

September 17th, 1954. 3:43 pm. The Holley Household

"Hey, uh, ma, daddy, can y'all sit down? We got somethin' t'tell you..." Buddy says quietly.

My heart is beating at a million miles a minute. We figured we'd tell Buddy's parents first, they'd probably take it best. Better than my parents atleast.

"Buddy..." Ella looks scared. "What's wrong?"

Buddy and I glance at eachother as L.O and Ella sit on the couch across from us.

"Go on, spit it out already!" L.O raises an eyebrow.

"Well, uh, please don't be mad..." Buddy says, forcing himself to look at them. "But we might've made a really, really big mistake..."

"Oh God, Buddy, just say it!" Ella starts to look impatient.

"I'm pregnant!" I blurt out before quickly covering my mouth with both hands.

Ella and L.O sit quietly for a minute before Ella calmly stands up and goes into the kitchen.

"You're really...y'know?" L.O asks awkwardly.

"Uh, yeah, I think 6 weeks now..."

"Huh. That is a pretty big mistake. Didn't I teach you better, Charles?"

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