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November 28th, 1958. 7:43 pm, The Smith Household.

We just got back to Juliet's house. We were forced, once again, to sit at the Double Nickel. At least it was just us four. I love my parents, but they never stop talking. Buddy and Russ seem to get along fine, but they aren't telling us something, I don't know what. There's a tension, what happened when we were gone? Did Russ pick up on the intimidation and make it worse? It's making me nervous. I don't think Juliet knows they're hiding something. I'm almost positive she doesn't. Juliet and Russ don't have the same...mental connection as Buddy and I do. Then again, Buddy and I have been together for twice as long.

We all sit down in the living room and Russ flips on the television. I'm not paying attention until I hear my name.

"Stay tuned for an exclusive interview with Violet Holly, wife of the rock 'n' roll star, Buddy Holly!"

My head snaps up to the screen. "Uhhh...what interview?"

"I think they're rerunning the Sally Jenkens one?" Russ looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

Oh God, I can't watch myself on television! I was so fake, I couldn't just say 'Haha yeah Sally, I dyed my "gorgeous" hair when I was four so I wouldn't be murdered!' I couldn't mention the fact that the engagement didn't actually happen like that, it wasn't nearly as...sweet? I mean I always knew we were going to get married and we planned it out, but the official proposal was...casual.

March 5th, 1955. 11:22 pm, The Winter Household.

Buddy and I are laying on my bed with the radio playing in the background. His arm is under my head and I'm laying on my side with my hand on his stomach, lightly rubbing it.

"Do you feel better yet?" I mumble. He's had a bout of stomach ulcers recently and nothing seems to be helping. There's no medication, food rarely helps, and he's been absolutely miserable. I read up on them, apparently they just cause excruciating stomach pain. I don't doubt it's excruciating, he handles pain really well and rarely complains unless it really hurts.

"A little, Vi. I think bein' with you helps."

"Does it?"

"Yeah, bein' with you always cures me." I look at him, he's grinning. God, do I love that dorky grin.

"I'm glad." I say, continuing the slow motion.

"Will you marry me?"

I pause. "What? We're already legally married. We planned out the ceremony for December 30th?"

"I'm askin' you to offically marry me. I mean in a way that wasnt a necessity. In a way that your daddy doesn't have to sign you over t'me. I don't have a ring, but I'm askin' anyway."

"Errr, are you being serious?"

"Yeah, we're eighteen. I love you, you're the most amazin' person, I just wanna marry you... again"

"So you're proposing to me?"


"You're proposing right now? To me? After we've been married for six months?"

"Yeah." He looks over at me. "Besides, we didn't get the chance t'have a ceremony. We didn't get rings and we didn't get the chance t"actually act married!"

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