Chapter Fifteen

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If I were a cartoon, my ears would be gushing smoke. I can't believe he would get two innocent boys to guilt me into going with them.

I love kids. I would hate to make them cry—I would hate to make anyone feel bad; Devin knows this. I had no other choice but to say yes. And now, sitting in Isabel's and Lucas' Corolla with only three seats in the back, makes it harder for me to ignore him.

His knee occasionally brushes mine, sending a rippling burn through my core. His breath kisses my neck whenever he rests his head on the headrest. His eyes laser in on my skin, stinging it with need.

Need to kiss him, to erase the anger boiling up inside for his absence this past week and to remember the man who took me to the beach and made me laugh like I hadn't in a long time.

But I know I can't let this go that easily. If I do, he'd probably disappear again with no explanation. I'm willing to forgive him—I was taught that forgiveness and approval were the two main ingredients in living a godly life.

If Jesus freed us from our sins, who am I to hold a grudge on Devin for disappearing on me? However, I do need an explanation. I might be nice, but I'm not naïve and if his explanation is a crappy one, then our relationship will be truly over—if it isn't already.

"Vale, Camila, and Mom are meeting us there. The boys wanted to ride with the studs of the family," Isa says proudly. "Isn't that right, boys?"


"Where is this place?" I ask.

"Deerfield Beach," Lucas says. "The festival usually starts in February and ends around March, but they came down earlier this year."

It's the first time I hear him talk. Not even in New Year's when Isa introduced us did he say hi. He merely nodded and got back to drinking his beer. I've noticed he's a quiet man who keeps to himself most of the time. The more I think about it, the more I see us becoming great friends.

"Do you always go there?"

"Oh, yeah. Lucas and Bryan—Camila's husband, are very into this era. They actually met there."


"Vale isn't really into it, but she takes the girls there. They love dressing up."

"My sisters love to dress like princesses and they scream so loud," Dylan says, covering his ears.

I laugh. "We girls can get pretty loud sometimes, huh?"

"Yeah! I want Mom to give me a brother, but she keeps saying no. Now, I'm stuck with two screaming sisters."

"At least you have Gabriel; he's cool," I tell him.

"He and Uncle Dev are the coolest guys in the family."

Lucas clears his throat and everyone in the car chuckles but for Dylan who keeps talking, not realizing he hurt his other uncle's feelings.

"Once, Uncle Dev took us both to Disney World. It was a surprise and no one knew! Mom got so mad at him."

"Remember when he picked us up from school?" Gabe chimes in. "He bought us helmets and told us we were racing through the streets. He said bad guys were following us and we needed to get away from them." Gabe makes a car engine noise and surges his hand forward.

"Boys, enough with the stories," Isa reprimands.

I turn to Devin who's looking out the window, reminiscing the past as we leave the trees and passing cars behind. I touch his knee, my anger slowly dissipating as I draw his attention to my hand.

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