Chapter Fourteen

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MY EXCITEMENT FOR the new system in class wakes me up earlier than usual on Monday. When I get to school, I head to Mr. James' class. I knock softly on the door before trying the handle and opening it.

"Miss Peterson, good morning," Mr. James says, turning around in his chair and putting his coffee mug on the wooden desk.

I smile and walk over to the chair opposite him. "Good morning, Mr. James. Happy New Year."

He adjusts his round quirky glasses.

"Happy New Year."

"I wanted to show you the schedule for today before class starts." I reach down into my purse and take out a folder. "I hope you don't mind."

Mr. James lean back in his chair and interlocks his fingers together, placing them on his knee. "Not at all."

"I was thinking of pairing Jackson with Liam since Jackson's at a higher reading level than Liam. I also looked at Jackson's past reading scores and noticed he was having difficulty finding the main idea, the same issue Liam is having now. But Jack's test scores show that he's improved tremendously."

"You spent winter break looking through data? I'm glad Garcia hired you. I haven't seen a teacher like you in a very long time—driven and passionate; not willing to give up."

His coffee eyes laser into mine as he leans forward, placing his clad elbows on the table. "I'll do whatever you say. Guide me and I'll follow."

"You don't want to look at the schedule or pairings?"

"I trust you, Peterson." He gives me a sly smile and stands up when the bell announces it's time to pick up the kids from the courtyard.

We walk down the stairs together and part ways when I spot my screaming second graders jumping with excitement this early in the morning. Oh, God, today is going to be hectic. If only they'd stay as eager as they are right now when we start working.


I turn when I hear my name being shouted. "10:00 am, right?"

Giving him a thumbs up, I pick up my students, making sure they are in a line with their fingers on their mouth before walking to class. Once the kids have settled down and every lunch box is in its corresponding cubicle, I stand in the middle of the room and start explaining the new system.

"Boys and girls, today we have very special visitors coming to our class," I say, adding mystery to my voice. "Do you know who Mr. James is?"

Aiden raises his hand almost falling off his desk at his enthusiasm. I can't help the smile that paints my face. "Yes, Aiden?"

"He's the only boy teacher in the whole school."

I move my head side-to-side. "Hmm, he's one of the male teachers. Yes, but not the only male teacher. Remember Coach Rivera and Mr. Greyson?"

"Yeah, but Coach Rivera is really old," Carrie says from my desk.

I turn to her and tell her with my gaze that she knows better than to blurt answers in class without raising her hand. There's a reason why she sits next to me.

She scrunches up in her tiny chair and mumbles, "Sorry."

I love my kids, but I've learned that if you don't follow the rules to a tee, they won't follow them either and if you're too nice, they'll take advantage of you. Seeing Maria's hand up in the air, I call on her.

Her thick accent comes out when she says, "Mr. James is my brother's fifth-grade teacher."

"That's right. Now, Mr. James and I came up with a simple plan that we think you all will enjoy. Twice a month, his student's will come to our class and read to us."

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