Ch16- a mess

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[ for mature audience:) ]

I woke up with the worst cramp ever. The pain was too much for me to handle to the point where I couldn't even get out of bed. I rolled over to an angle where I could directly look at Brandon.

I groan, "Wake up."

He doesn't even flinch one bit.
I roll my eyes, goddammit.

I crawl my way into the bathroom and find myself in a hot mess. A VERY hot mess. Should I break down in tears knowing I am in this situation? No that's silly.
I take a deep breath in as I see the red stains below me.

My mom always said she was a late bloomer so it wouldn't be a surprise that I would be too. Well thanks for jinxing it MOM.

Why would this monthly unwanted gift surprise me now? Especially at this all boys camp. Who am I supposed to go to? Would they freak out just like I'm freaking out? Would they even have a pad or a tampon?

I haven't been as educated on this situation more than I should have. I know, embarrassing, especially being 16.

"I officially hate you universe." I say out loud.

I quickly step out of the bathroom and rushed out of the cabin. I peek around making sure there was no boy that I might eventually run into. When it was clear I ran over to the camp directors office.

She was my only hope, since she technically is the only female left in this camp besides me of course.

I peek into her windows. There was no light inside. She's usually here in the mornings. Where was she?!

I panic even more when I get the stabbing cramps. I am gonna explode! My only option left is to woman up and go to a counselor. I cringe at the thought of that.


I turn around to see Caden. He was scratching his head as he looked at me up and down.

I hold my breath in hopes that he won't notice anything.

"Why are you still in your Pj's?" He raises a brow.

I back up from him.

"Well Im gonna go change now." I laugh nervously.

He walks over to me. I gulp, wishing he would just go away so I can get to my girl duties. But the worst happens. Caden grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. Then proceeds to lean over and whisper into my ear, "What are you hiding?"

My heart was racing and I was completely fogged from coming up with an excuse.

"Nothing." I tried playing it cool. But he doesn't buy my bad acting skills.

"I'll ask one more time. What are you hiding Skylar?"

"Nothing!" I retorted.

"Oooooo someone's being moody today. Did I set you off? Geez, I'm sorry miss diva."

He let's go of me and I run off to the counselors cabins.

"Skylar what are you doing here?" One of the counselors call out.

He was one of the chill laid back dudes who didn't put much effort in the job.

"Oh um," I gulp, "I need to tell you something."

I walk over to him and explain the situation.

To my surprise, he was actually very understanding with it. He told me that the director had some pads in her office. Together, we walked over to go fetch it.

"I'll explain to Lindsey later if she asks why there's a few missing. " He says as he hands me the items.

"Thank you so much."

I make my way towards the first public restroom I saw.
I walk into a trap.

"No way." Caden exclaims. He was in the middle of washing his hands.

"Shit." I whisper.

"You didn't need to hide that from me." He chuckles.

He points at the pads in my hands. I quickly hide them behind my back.

"Please get out." I beg.

He puts his hands up in surrender.

"I'll be outside."


omg I would hate to be in skylars situation. I'd be so embarrassed!!!

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