Ch7- caden

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Caden's POV

I've been wanting to ask out Skylar for a very long time now but I don't know how I should do it.
Today's the day I will do it.

It has been quite sometime since I've said the words 'will you be my girlfriend?'. I admit I did ask the guys in the Cabin to help me come up with the right words to say to her and when I had them I repeated them 100 times last night making sure every bit was down to perfection. Because I'm Caden, I am the definition of perfect. And I'm not bragging.

She's cleaning the stall right now or more like just standing there reading every shit boys through out the years have written across the walls. And woah does she look adorable, like always.

I can do it, I tell myself.
I already feel the adrenaline in me. I'm ready.

I start walking over to her but the asshole Damon beats me to it. I clench my fist ready to punch him. Then my eyes land on Skylar again.
She was looking at him like she looked at me.
I watched as Damon leans into her. I'm frozen at where I stood. He then kissed her out of no where. He kissed her. It felt as if life slapped me hard on the face without a warning.

So much jealousy rushed up me. I was angry. He ran out of the restroom and I chased after him tackling him to the ground.

"What the hell man! You knew I liked her!" I say punching his chest. He pushes me off and punches me harder then Liam comes in view.

"Woah. What's going on here?" He says with an evil smile on his face. That bastard! I was gonna get up and punch him but I get pulled back by a camp volunteer.

"You knew I was gonna ask her didn't you?!" I yell trying to break free from the arms of the volunteer.

"The three of you to the camp directors office now!" The volunteer yells.


Two chapters in one day what?!!!

Stuck In An All Boys CampNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ