Collision Coast

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Evan's POV

"Oh, so what? When the baby comes, you two are going to get back together and leave me out in the cold?" Aria asked as she paced my bedroom, frowning.

She had seen when I came out of Jasmine's room and it made her very upset, though I assured her there wasn't anything to worry about.

"I already told you there's nothing to worry about. Jasmine and I aren't together," I said, trying to get on her good side.

"YOU WERE IN HER ROOM!" she snapped at me, like I wasn't aware of that. "WHY WERE YOU IN HER DAMN ROOM?!"

"Aria, just calm down."

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!!" she shouted even louder and smashed a vase on the wall.

I, honestly, was startled by her actions and her behavior. She fell onto the floor and started crying like a child. I went over to her and pulled her up into my arms.

"Baby, I'm sorry, okay. I don't want to hurt you. I'm sorry."

"She's trying to break us up Evan. You have to let her get out of our mansion," she cried.

Our mansion?

"I told you the reason why she's here is because of the baby. She was attacked some months ago, and I'm not taking the chance of leaving her out there alone without any protection. She's safe here."

"Well, why can't you let her stay with her mom and her sister in the penthouse? There's security systems there too."

"Aria, I'm not taking any chances. Her sister is in school and her mom is always busy at work. What if something happens to her and no one is around?"

"So you still care about that bitch?"

Lord, give me strength.

"I care about my baby!" I semi shouted. My patience was growing thin and she was constantly becoming an annoyance whenever she came over to 'our mansion'.

She was always bad mouthing Jasmine and speaking terrible things about the innocent baby. And, what was funny, Jasmine never spoke ill of her in my presence, and Aria was definitely not a saint.

I walked out the room with Aria on my tail, still yelling at me and bad mouthing Jasmine.

"You better get a DNA for that little bastard inside of her! She's just trying to trap you with a child that isn't yours, and you're so damn blind, Evan! Jasmine doesn't even love you like I do!"

I went into the living room and sat down. Aria was still going at it. I was getting so sick of her with her bull.

"Jasmine is a bi--"

"I'm a what?"

I looked up and saw Jasmine standing there, looking at Aria with flames in her eyes.

"Say one more bad thing about me and my baby! I dare you."

"This pregnant thing can't be serious," Aria said with a scoff.

"'This pregnant thing' wouldn't have a problem giving you a beat down until you actually sound terrible like one of your wack country songs!" Jasmine said and approached Aria.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" I shouted and parted the two women before they collided.

"No, Evan! Let her come at me! I don't care if she's pregnant or not! I'm not going to bow down for her!" Aria shouted.

"Aria, if I come at you, you'll definitely have to bow down because I'm going to break your neck!"

"Break my neck?"

"Did I stutter birdbrain?"

"STOP IT!" I shouted to both women, but they weren't listening to me.

"You should consider yourself lucky and be happy that Evan is here to save your pregnant fat ass!"

"You better count your blessings that he's here because I'm about to go all black on your groupie ass!"

"You wish you were me!"

"Ain't nobody wish to be a wack ass country singer!"

"Go to hell!"

" You go to hell! That's your home, ain't it? You she-devil!"


"Shut up Evan! I can't believe you're actually allowing her to say all those terrible things about the baby, and you're not saying anything about it!" Jasmine shouted at me.

She was right.

"Shut up, and don't speak to my man like that," Aria said to her.

"You want to come and shut me up?" Jasmine made another step closer to Aria.

I got between them again, wrapping my arm around Aria to keep her back.

"Jasmine, go back to your room. I'll talk to you when you calm down," I said, trying to put an end to this commotion and drama.

"No," she said and folded her hands over her large chest.

"Aria, go upstairs to my bedroom." I had to get one or the other leave the room.

"No," Aria said. Copying Jasmine, she folded her arms over her chest too.

The other side of me just wanted to give up and let them go at each other, but Jasmine was five months pregnant and I wouldn't ever allow Aria to hit her.

I scooped Aria up over my shoulder and went upstairs with her. I put her on her feet once I got into the bedroom.

"Stay HERE!" I said before locking the door after me.

I went back downstairs and Jasmine was still standing there, looking at me in a way that made me uncomfortable in my own skin.

"She was the one who talked you into wanting a DNA test once the baby gets here Evan?" Her tone of voice rose with each word. 

"I... I--" I stuttered like an idiot.

"You're fucking unbelievable Evan Hollen. So, she basically calls the shots now? She wants you to get a DNA test, so you're going to get it! She wants you to be silent and listen to her bad talking the baby, so that's exactly what you're going to do, huh?"

"Jasmine, remember what the doctor said: no stress," I said, trying to calm her down.

"I'm not stressed, idiot."

I couldn't believe how she instantly changed and was calling me names. A moment ago she was telling me how sorry she was for hurting me, and now I was an idiot?

"I'm not going to be comfortable if we have to actually co-parent and you're still with her. I don't want my baby around that crazy woman."

"So what are you saying?"

"Are you slow? I'm saying that I don't want Aria acting as a goddamn stepmother to our son. What part of that you don't understand?"

Without another word, she walked back towards her bedroom.

I heaved a sigh and threw myself onto the couch.

How much more can a guy actually take?



😂I don't know Evan. You tell me.

*Please Don't Forget To be sweet and Vote my Belle Gang.*

Belle gang... U get it?

Because I'm mavelineBelle and y'all are my people and I love y'all. 😙😙

😂😂😂I'm too much.

Molten Chocolate (The Hollens Book 2) ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora