Breaking Point

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'Trouble doesn't show up like the rain.'

Jasmine's POV

"I can't take this shit ANYMORE! You must be thinking that I'm some goddamned prisoner in this maximum security hellhole! I told you that I'm leaving and that's exactly what I'm going to do, whether you like it or NOT!"

I had reached my breaking point with Evan Hollen. He wasn't interested in forgiving me and starting over, and I was no longer interested in playing house with his ass.

I stuffed my bags with clothing and items I had previously bought for myself with his money.

"Jasmine, why are you leaving?"

"I'm leaving because I want to move on. I want my own life, which doesn't have to revolve around you!"

I continued packing up my things. Everything my hands fell on was stuffed into a bag or a suitcase.

"Oh, so you're leaving because you want to run into the arms of another man with my child inside of you? You want to start dating again? Well go on ahead! I'm not going to argue with you anymore about this. I'm tired as well. It's always something with you black women."

Oh no he didn't!

" 'You black women?'" I repeated his words, stopped packing, and turned my attention to him.

"You know, you would say that. Your rich spoiled ass thinks that everything should be your way and everyone has to bow down to you. We, black women, are powerful beyond measures and we don't need to depend on a man to take care of us. We know how to make it, no matter the circumstances! I don't need you, Evan. I know how to make it. I've been doing that my whole life."

I resumed my packing while he stood speechless against the bedroom door in the guest room I occupied.

"Jasmine, please don't leave. I want to be there for you and the baby. I'm sorry, okay," he sympathetically said and stepped closer to me.

"Don't even try. I'm tired. I want to go home and be with the people who actually love me and care about me. Can you please have Fisher take me home?"

I had finished packing and wanted to leave immediately.

"Fine!" he said with a frown and left the room.

I flopped down on the bed and calmed myself down. I had been working myself up in a fit again, which wasn't good for the baby one bit.

"Mommy's sorry. She'll take it easy from now on," I said to the baby.

"Fisher isn't available right now so I'll take you home," Evan said as he came back into the room.

I heaved a long sigh and grabbed the lightest bag while he took the other stuff to his car. 

I followed him silently behind.

"If you need anything for yourself and the baby, just please call me," he said as he pulled up to the pavement of my apartment. "Jasmine?"


"Did you hear what I just told you?"

"Yes. I'll call you if I need anything for the baby. I can take care of myself."

Zenia hopped down the stairs and ran up to the car.

"You're back," she said cheerfully, half opening the door for me. "Hi Evan."

"Hi Zenia," he answered and gave a small wave and a shy smile.

I rolled my eyes. Zenia was team Evan everyday. 

I stepped out the car and Zenia, Evan and I carried my things upstairs.

After sitting everything inside, I walked him out.

"Thanks for everything. And take care of yourself," I told him.

"You do the same," he replied. 

I watched as he got into his car and drove off.

I settled myself in my familiar couch and turned on the television. Zenia made popcorn and sat down next to me.

"How are you?" she asked.

"I'm fine."

"Did you fight with him, Jassy?"

"With Evan? Yeah."

We watched The Parkers until it was almost midnight. 

Mom was at work. She had messaged Zenia and told her that she'll be working a double shift so she'll be home late.

"I'm going to bed now," Zenia said with a yawn.



I continued looking at the television and stuffing my face with popcorn.

A knock came on the door.

Evan! I instantly thought. I walked to the door.

"Who is it?" I asked. 

I wasn't taking any chances. It was almost midnight. That person should've called and said something.

Instead of answering me, they knocked again.

"WHO IS IT?" I asked with a shout. 

An ill feeling came over me and my skin instantly grew goosebumps. I stepped away from the door and turned off the lights. I went to my bedroom, locked my bedroom door and lied down on the bed.

During the night, I was awakened by a crashing sound in the living room.

"Mom?" I semi-shouted, hoping it was her. 

I took my phone from and looked at the time. 2:03 am.

Mom, maybe, just getting in.

I got off the bed and made my way to the living room. Switching on the lights, I was met with a figure that didn't belong to my mother.

"HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!" I shouted.

He moved over to me so quickly that I wondered if he had feet or wheels.

"You're pregnant with Evan's baby?" 

His voice sent disgusting chills down my spine.

"It's none of your damn business! And who are you? How did you get in here?! I want you out of my house!"

"Shut the hell up, bitch!" he snapped back and slapped me across my face.

I instantly fell to the floor.

"HELP! ZENIA! MOM!" I called out to my sister and my mother. I doubted Mom had gotten in yet, and Zenia had already drifted off to sleep.

"You're not having his baby!" he said and landed a kick directly to my stomach. I felt the wind knocked out of me and I chocked for oxygen.

I heard the switching on of another light.


I heard Zenia's voice and saw when she rushed to the knife holder on the kitchen island.

He made a dash for the door. I heard a car engine start and my sister's voice yelling after him, "You son of a bitch! You won't get away with this!"

She made her way back over to me; I was still balled up in pain on the floor.

"Jasmine, I'm calling an ambulance and the police right away! You're bleeding!"


WTH!! 😣

What's going to happen to the baby?

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Next chapter will be Zenia's (Jasmine's sister) POV.

Molten Chocolate (The Hollens Book 2) ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora