A Kiss Is Just A Kiss

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Jasmine's POV

I continued my shopping as normal without making a scene with Bradley and his baby's mother. I had my own child to worry about and better things to do than getting into an argument with a liar. I already knew the truth, and saw the truth, and that was all that mattered.

I was so excited to become a mother and to have my baby in my arms.

Motherhood was becoming a beautiful thing to me, and I also knew it wouldn't be smooth sailing, but I was definitely up for the challenge.

I was so happy Zenia went to Evan and he talked some sense into me. I would've had an abortion if he hadn't shown up at my apartment that day.

I cussed myself mentally. I was so stupid, and I was such a coward, but as the days went by with my baby inside me, I knew I was getting stronger and stronger and I'd eventually stop loving Evan and move on with my life. There was just no way Evan would let me move on to another relationship with his baby inside me.

I paid for my items and Fisher took all the bags from the cashier. We walked out of the boutique into a beehive of paparazzi.

"Jasmine, is it true you're pregnant with Evan Hollen's baby?"

"Jasmine, are you having a boy or a girl?"

"Jasmine, is Evan Hollen the father of your baby?"

"Jasmine, how far long are you?"

"Jasmine, is it true Evan wanted nothing to do with the baby?"

"Jasmine, are you lying about being pregnant just to trap billionaire Evan Hollen?"

Fisher cleared a part to the car for me. He opened the car door and I got inside, ignoring everyone and everything else outside.

After getting back to the mansion safely, I texted my sister. She believed I was still mad at her for going behind my back, but I wasn't anymore.

Me: Hi Zen.

Zen: Hi stranger

Me: ha! I miss u.

Zen: Miss u too. When r u coming back?

Me: Hopefully soon. I'll have to talk to Evan when he gets home.

Zen: I wish I could come visit.

Me: You can.

Zen: Kk. I'll see u soon. On work. Ttyl.

Me: Bye

That evening, when Evan got home, I followed him upstairs to his bedroom, trying to get his attention. He seemed upset about something. Maybe he had a rough day at the office, but I needed to talk to him.

"Evan! I said I have to talk to you!" I shouted for the hundredth time.

"What is it Jasmine?" he said in a groaning manner.

"I've been wondering how long I'll be here for," I started, sitting on the edge of his bed.

He unbuttoned his jacket and tossed it into the hamper. He, then, unbuttoned his dress shirt and my eyes couldn't stop staring at him. His hard chest pressed against the white vest. His hair had gotten ruffled a bit and he looked even sexier.


I shook myself from lusting, but I couldn't remember what I had just told him. 

What was it? Oh ,right.

"Because I want to go back home. I want to be comfortable in my own house with my mother and my sister."

"You're not comfortable here?"

"That's besides the point. I want my life back Evan. I want my freedom. I want to start dating again. I want--" I cut off myself when he turned around and faced me. 

His eyes went dark and I knew I just made him more upset.

"You want to start dating again?!" he asked with a shout.

I remained silent.

"You want to start dating with my child inside of you?!"

I remained silent and slapped myself mentally. Why did I said that?

"Well, you're dating, so why can't I?" I stood my ground.

"I'm not pregnant! You are!"

"And that shouldn't limit my life. I don't revolve around you."

"Oh, you don't? As long as you're carrying my baby, your ass revolves around me."

"That's not fair! I swear, I hate you!"

He came over to me. 

My heart raced faster and faster with every step he made closer and closer.

He hovered over me.

"You hate me?"

"That's right. I hate your ass," I said and stood up. 

I moved past him to reach the door but was instantly pulled against his rock hard chest.

I froze.

"Are you certain that you hate me, Jasmine?" he asked in my ear and I shivered. His lips got closer and closer to my neck and, when he met it, he traced his tongue lightly along.

"What are you doing?" I asked, but I wasn't objecting it. 

I'll soon wake up and see this was another dream about him.

He didn't answer. His hold on me got firmer and he guided me backwards onto his bed.

"Evan," I said again, as his hands undid the buttons to my shirt. 

His mouth crashed down on my lips. Using his tongue to open my mouth, he wrapped his tongue with mine. Fireworks lit in me and I wrapped my hands around his neck, locking him closer to me.

He removed my shirt and tossed it on the floor before kissing me hungrily again.

"I miss you," I said into his open mouth.

"Shhh. I'm right here."

We kissed again and, just as it was about to escalate, his phone rang. 

He ignored it at first but then it rang again and kept on ringing.

"Maybe you should get that," I said.

He let out a sigh and picked up his phone. "Hi. How are you? When? Okay. Guess I'll see you soon."

I caught his end of the conversation and it didn't take a genius to figure out who he was talking to. I picked up my shirt, put it back on and got off the bed.

"Umm..." he began.

"It's okay. I already know what you're going to say. You're just going to apologize for this happening. Save yourself the words, I already know."

He raked his fingers through his hair and gave me a sympathetic look.

I walked out his bedroom.

I really wished I was dreaming but, this time, I wasn't.

But why the hell did he kiss me? Does he still have feelings for me?



*I know love will find a way, anywhere we go,
we're home,
if we are there together,
Like dark, turning into day..... *

😂😂idk if I got that right... Anyways
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