A Party Disaster

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Only hours after Bruce had finally awoken, Anna found herself running around the house helping Alfred, without his consent, to decorate and prepare for the guest who would be coming to Bruce’s birthday. After a few hours of work, the mansion’s driveway was lined with black and white balloons, the entrance hall was packed with serving men and women, and the kitchen was a bustle with cooks.

Before any of the guest could arrive there was a knock on the door and Anna ran to answer it. Opening the door, there stood Rachel Dawson, Anna’s mother. Anna found herself struggling not to slam the door shut in her face. I only have room enough to forgive one parent per year, Anna thought to herself.

There was an awkward silence as they stood there looking at each other, that was broken when Alfred came walking up.

“Why hello Rachel,” Alfred said with a large smile, “it’s so good to see that you were able to make it for the party.”

“Sorry Alfred but u can’t stay,” Rachel said with an apologetic smile, “I just brought this for Bruce.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to come in?” Alfred said, gesturing an offer for her to enter. Anna just stood there in the shadows of the door, doing her best not to give her mother the death glare.

“I have to get back, I just wanted to leave this,” Rachel said handing Alfred a present.

“Rachel?” Anna heard her dad say from behind her.

“Looks like someone’s been burning the candles at both ends,” Rachel said with a laugh as Alfred handed Bruce the present, “Must have been quiet an occasion.”

“It is my birthday,” Bruce said with a laugh.

“I know. I’m sorry I can’t come tonight,” Rachel said, “I was just dropping off your present.”

“Typical,” Anna whispered beneath her breath.

“You’ve got better plans?” Bruce asked a little hurt.

“My boss had been missing for two days,” Rachel explained, “which in this town means that I should probably start by looking at the bottom of a river.”

“Rachel,” Bruce went to say something but was cut off by the ringing of Rachel’s cell phone.

“Excuse me,” she said before answering it, “Rachel Dawes….. Who authorized that?....... Get Crane down there now. Don’t take no for an answer. Call Dr. Lehmann, tell him we need our own assessment on the judge’s desk by morning.”

“What’s wrong?” Bruce asked, becoming as serious as Anna could ever remember him.

“It’s Falcone,” Rachel said, “Dr. Crane moved him to Arkham Asylum on suicide watch.”

“You’re going to Arkham now?” Brice asked, “It’s in the Narrows, Rachel.”

“You enjoy your party Bruce,” Rachel said grabbing out her car keys, “some of us have work to do.”

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