My Guardian Angel is a Bat

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"Spread her legs if you please," the raspy voiced man ordered the two men holding Anna down. When he said this Anna was able to free one of her arms from her assailants, and punch him in the jaw, only to be punched in between her eye, stars dancing in her vision, blood trickling from her nose. The guys pulled her legs apart, even though she fought with all her might. She closed her eyes when she felt the raspy voiced guy place his hands on her bare legs. And that's when something happened she hadn't expected.

The raspy voiced guy went flying backwards as a dark figure stood over Anna. The guys let go of her and tried to defend themselves, but they never had a chance. The dark figure pulverized every single one of them. Anna laid on the ground for a while, curled in a ball, tears still streaming down her face as she realized that if it wasn't for this person or thing, she would have been raped. Look over at the dark figure, it was still beating the crap out of the raspy voiced guy, even though he was unconscious.

Anna couldn't handle it, getting to her feet, she ran over to the figure, grabbed it's arm and screamed, "Please, stop! Please!" that seemed to be enough for the figure to stop, when it turned around to look at Anna, she realized that it was a man. He was wearing a costume, maybe for Halloween. Anna didn't mind that the guy kind of looked creepy, he'd just saved her. She buried her face in his chest and cried. He hugged her, trying to calm her.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice sounded very deep and gravely. Anna stopped crying and looked up at his face. He looked completely concerned and pissed at the same time.

"Thanks to you," Anna said shakily.

"What are you doing in a place like this? This is no place for Bruce Wayne's daughter," he said sternly.

"How do you know who I am?" Anna asked.

"I know a lot, besides, I've seen your picture in the tabloids before," he said a bit faster than needed, "now, I need to get you back to your home." Before Anna could say anything, he'd scooped her up in his arms and was carrying her towards a black tank looking thingy. Anna didn't understand it, but she felt very safe in this strange man's arms, maybe it was because he had just saved her, but it felt like something else, but she couldn't put her finger on it. He was like her guardian angel Anna finally concluded after he sat her down inside the tank. Buttons were all over the thing, lights showing a virtual map of Gotham city.

On the ride back to the mansion, Anna passed out, due to all the excitement early, and woke up as someone carried her up the stairs to her room. When she looked at the person's face, she was shocked to see that it was her dad, Bruce Wayne. Had the dark figured man given her to him, or had Bruce found her lying on the porch? Anna thought of another possibility, but that one was so unlikely, she didn't even consider it.

"What happened," Anna asked Bruce quietly.

He seemed a bit startled when he heard her voice, "Oh, umm you ran away from the Café, so I went looking for you." After all the things that had happened to her earlier, Anna had almost forgotten about the Café incident. "I couldn't find you anywhere, so I came here hoping you'd come home. After I parked the car, I went up the front stairs and you were lying right there passed out. And now I'm taking you up to your bed." Anna shook her head in understanding, and she wasn't going to tell Bruce about her almost getting raped by the gangster people, or that someone in a, what was it, a bat suit, had saved her.

By the time he was done telling her what had happened, they were in her room. Bruce set her down on her bed and stood there for a moment.

"Yeah, okay, thanks Bruce, see you in the morning," Anna said shooing him from her room. He gave her a worried look, but Anna closed the door the second he was out of her room. After grabbing a change of clothes to sleep in, she walked over to her personal bathroom, turned on the hot water, and let the water steam up the mirrors. She stripped out of her now torn up and dirty dress, and climbed into the shower. The water burned her skin a tad, but she didn't care, she wanted to clean off the feel of hands on her bare legs and hands pinning her to the ground. She could still feel them as if they were still holding her.

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