Chapter 19

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Zyta stared out of one of the many windows in Dragon Stone. Hundreds of ships were anchoring, three large dragons flying above the castle. 

Zyta knew it was only time before Daenerys Targaryen came back to where she was born. She knew her uncle Tyrion was with her, along with Varys. 

"Lady Baratheon, they are coming a shore." Emmett Freeman said to her. She looked at the young man in front of her, her hand. He was dressed like a common boy, something he was before Lady Baratheon came to Dragon Stone, something that he refused to forget. 

When Stannis Baratheon took the throne after his brother killed the last of the Targaryen, only a hundred people still lived on Dragonstone, now 20 years later a thousand people in all live there. 

After the battle of the Blackwater, Zyta went to her uncle, trying to make peace with him for her brother. But when she got there she knew what was the right decision, she turned. She turned against her mother and bastard siblings, taken her Uncle Stannis side in everything. But he went to the North, leaving Zyta the Lady of Dragonstone. 

"Lets meet them than." Zyta turned away from the window and walked outside of the castle where row boats were coming in. She dressed in a black dress, green lace detailing along the chest, arms, and bottom of the dress. The neck line was low, the top of her breast exposed. Her hair was down, nothing special about her raven hair, besides it was cut up to her shoulders, making her look older than she actually was.

She stood on the beach as the Dothraki, Unsullied, Greyjoy siblings, Olenna Tyrell, Ellaria Sand and her sand snakes came ashore. They stood there looking at Zyta and the men that she ruled were behind her. Emmett to the side of her his goofy face serious for once, sword by his side ready to protect his Lady if anything was going to happen to her. 

The final boat pulled up, carrying her uncle, Varys, and Daenerys Targaryen. Daenerys reached down and put her hand in the sand, tears threatening to leak from her eyes. When she looked up she felt Zyta's eyes on her. 

"Why aren't you kneeling for your queen?" Daenerys asked Zyta. 

Zyta smiled a sinister smile, something she inherited from her mother, "You are not my queen yet, Targaryen. Why are you here?" 

Before Daenerys could speak her uncle walked up to stand next to his queen, a frown on his face. This wasn't his niece that left Kings Landing all those years ago, this was someone new. Someone that he was excited to meet. "Zyta, so nice to see you. We're here bec..." 

"That is Lady Baratheon to you, Lord Lannister." Joseph Rilee, said the Master of Arms in Dragonstone. He was like Emmett, just a common person before Zyta ruled Dragonstone. Now he had a wife, with a child on the way. 

Tyrion looked behind his niece and saw that both men and women were in armor. She had banner men all around her carrying a Stag Sigil banner, but it wasn't her fathers or either of her uncles, but a Sigil of her own. A full body Stag in a field of green with little flowers surrounding it. The stag didn't have a crown around it's neck, but instead had a flower in the middle of its chest. "My apologies to Lady Baratheon. Like I was saying, we are here to get the throne. But the queen wanted to go home first. Surely, Lady Baratheon, you get that, wanting to go home." 

Zyta looked at her uncle, he has changed. He wasn't drunk, he didn't seem to be a prisoner, he seemed happy almost.  "Dragonstone is my home now." 

"It is not." Daenerys said. 

"It was never your home either. You were a babe when you left. The only thing left of your family's rule here is the Stone work. You want the horrid throne so bad, take it. But do not come here with your dragons and your Unsullied and your Dothraki acting like you own everything in the fucking world because what your last name is." Zyta kept her head tall and looked into Dany's eyes, something that Dany wasn't used to. People were scared of her because of her dragons, because of what she has done in the free cities. But not Zyta Baratheon. "You think your dragons scare me? You think that being able to bring the Dothraki across the sea is going to make me bend a knee? You think bringing the people that killed my sister here is going to make you my queen?" 

"It was pay back for what your mother did to Oberyn. Your sister was only a bastard anyway. You are a child playing at a adults game, bend a knee." Ellaria Sand said. 

As soon as she said that a arrow landed at her feet, along with all her children. "Say those words to me again, and my men will kill you. Tell your men to put there weapons away, no one besides them are in danger." Zyta looked at Daenerys. Dany said words that Zyta couldn't understand fully and her men put down their weapons. Zyta snapped her fingers and her men and women put down their weapons also. 

"Why didn't you kill them?" Tyrion asked. He was thinking that coming to Dragonstone was a bad idea. His niece wasn't going to stand down. 

"Because, then your men would kill all of mine. Those people lives behind me are worth more than killing four people that are going to die anyway. Now please do tell, why are you standing before me." 

Daenerys stepped forward making Zyta tilt her head back, raising one eyebrow, challenging her in dominance. "One word and all of you will be dead. Bend a knee and leave Dragonstone and you will live." Daenerys refused to back down to this girl. They were both the same age, same height, but Zyta was stronger, something that Daenerys had to put into play. She was quick with her tongue much like her uncle, something Tyrion had warned her about. Daenerys noticed that Zyta had both genders fighting for her, something she has never seen before. 

Zyta laughed, she heard Dragon wings fly above her but she refused to look up. The men and women behind her not looking up either. "You will get me to bend a knee when I know you would be a Queen that the seven Kingdoms needs."  

"I am Daenerys Stormborn,..." 

"I know who you are! I want to know why you would be a better queen than Cersei Lannister! I want to know how you got these many people to follow you! I don't want to know your titles, titles don't fucking matter anymore! Your last name doesn't mean shit here, your gender or who you prefer to sleep with at night doesn't matter! I am Zyta Baratheon, the only real child of Robert Baratheon, I should of got that throne before my brother but I didn't." Zyta took a breath, everyone was quiet. The dragons couldn't be heard. "I was pushed back because of my brother, my voice getting lost. But now I refuse to listen to someone claim their way to be a ruler just because they said so. Nothing matters anymore, so now tell me why my people and I should bend a knee." Zyta was red with anger. 

Daenerys was quiet for a moment, she related to the woman in front of her. She knew what it felt like to lose someone that you love because of other people. Tyrion warned her not to talk about Sandor, for now she will listen to her hand. "I will be a better Queen than your mother because my people deserve a better life than what they have, and I want to help them achieve just that. My people follow me because I saved them. I burned for them, I killed for them, I cried for them, I lost for them. Something that your mother has not done. But something that you have done. Lady Baratheon, First of her name, ruler of Dragonstone, let me be your Queen so I can show you how I will cry, save, kill, and burn for you and your people. Give everyone with me a bed to sleep in, food in their mouths, and I will repay you greatly." 

Zyta thought about what she said, she thought about what her mother did to her. How Cersei wronged her and didn't let her start a life with the man that she loved. "Any of your men kill one of mine, they will die. Any of your dragons burn or eat one human, house ,or tree, you will pay the family what I see fit. Any of my men kill your men, you can punish them the best you see fit. You will pay me for allowing your ships in my water, you will pay me for the food that your people eat, you will pay me for the beds that you sleep on. If you become queen, I want to rule one of the Seven Kingdoms, weather it be Dragonstone or some thing else, I want the Baratheon name to be on it, not my Uncle Stannis's name. I want my name to be thought of when you hear a Baratheon ruling." 

Daenerys looked at Tyrion, who nodded his head yes. Daenerys stuck out her hand, Zyta took it and shook it. When she pulled apart, Zyta dropped down to her knee, the men and women behind her followed. 

When Zyta stood up, she smiled a genuine smile for the rest time in a long time. "Welcome, Queen Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. Dragonstone is yours." 

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