Chapter 17

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Zyta woke up in the same spot that she fell asleep, on Sandors chest. Her hair fell freely over her face, covering some of his bare chest. When she opened her eyes, she found Sandor looking down at her, playing the her raven colored hair. 

"Good morning." Zyta mumbled tiredly. She wanted to close her eyes again but she heard the common people running around, the guards talking to each other. 

"Good morning, Little Flower." That nickname gave her comfort. It made her feel like home in this foreign place. She was a little glad that she didn't have to marry Robb Stark, it was way to cold in the North for her. 

She moved her hand from his chest and touched his face, wiggling up so she could kiss him. They stayed in bed kissing for a while, Zyta felt wrong making love in a bed that was not her own, while Sandor was for it. 

"Robb Stark needs to know that you are mine." Sandor said kissing her more aggressively than before. Zyta giggled a little but shook her head no. Sandor sighed but listened to her. He wasn't going to force into anything that she wasn't comfortable with. 

They stayed in bed until Cersei came into the room. "Why don't you look cozy." She stated at the scene in front of her. Sandor was shirtless, his arms wrapped tightly around Zyta. Zyta's head laid peacefully by his, she in her night clothes. "The breaking of fast is about to began, get ready." Cersei left the room, pulling the chamber door shut. She didn't know what she thought she would walk into. She didn't know why she thought Sandor wouldn't be shirtless, or why Zyta wouldn't be curled up against him. 

"Your mother is lovely in the morning." Sandor said while he wrapped himself from Zyta. She rolled her eyes and stretched. She went into her wardrobe and pulled out a red dress with gold detailing, her mothers house colors. She put it on, not caring that Sandor was watching her undress and get dressed. He had already saw her naked before, why does it matter when it was light out. 

Zyta began brushing her hair, humming lightly to herself, not paying attention to what Sandor was doing. She pulled back the front pieces of her hair and pinned them back. She looked in the mirror, smiling to herself. When she was done she got up and turned around, finding Sandor staring at her. 

"Yes?" She asked. 

"You are beautiful." 

Zyta blushed and smiled. "Are you ready to go?" She asked. Sandor had all his armor on and his sword by his side. He nodded yes and walked to the door, holding it open so Zyta could walk out. 

The pair walked peacefully down to breakfast, Zyta said hello to the guards that they past or the common people that stopped and asked how her night was. Sandor glared at everyone, a firm grip on his sword at all times. 

When the two walked into the dinning hall, Zyta's family was already eating, her father at the head of the table and her mother to his right side. Jamie was next to Cersei and Zyta's three siblings across from them. Tyrion was not at the table, leaving three seats open. Zyta moved and sat besides her father on his left, Sandor sat across from her. 

"Have a good rest, princess?" King Robert asked his daughter. He didn't feel like it was wrong that Sandor and Zyta were sharing a room, they were to be married, and he did the same thing when he was her age. Robert knew that Sandor and her were going against the gods, but he did the same thing. 

"Yes father." She answered as a handmaiden poured her a glass of water. She wasn't much of a drinker and didn't know how people could drinker every hour of every day. Sandor was already downing his second goblet of ale but the time she put food on her plate. 

"Joffery and Tommen, you are to practice swords with the two Stark boys and Lord Starks Ward. Hound you are with them. Myrcella you are to do needle work with the two Stark girls. Zyta, do what ever your mother wants you to do. I am going to go see Ned." With that, the King was gone. Zyta looked at her mother and could see that she was happy with these plans. The more Zyta  thought about, Cersei most likely put the thought into King Roberts head. 

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