Chapter 13

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"What do you mean, you let the fucking Hound ask our daughter for her hand in marriage?" Cersei was pacing the Kings and hers room. The knowledge of her daughter marrying a man like him, made her despise her husband even more. 

King Robert was sitting at a table filled with his favorites food. In the morn they were leaving for Winterfell. "We both didn't marry who we wanted to marry, why should Zyta go through that, like what we did." 

Cersei looked at her husband and saw what seemed love in his eyes. She knew it wasn't for her, but for Ned Stark's dead sister. Cersei rolled her eyes and sat down across from him. "We're going to look like fools, having her marry a dog like him." 

"Let people say something, I'll behead them. Zyta deserves to be happy and if fucking Sandor Clegane makes her happy, so be it. They will get married when we get back from Winterfell. If she likes Robb Stark then she can call off the engagement to The Hound. But both of us know, that it won't happen." The King filled a goblet of wine and drank it. He knew what people would say, but seeing his little girl happy, was well worth it. He knew what people said about him, about his family, and seeing his daughter be in love with her soul mate, made it worth it, made him want to be around for a long time. 


Robb Stark was practicing fighting with swords with his brother, Jon Snow, and Theon Greyjoy when Maester Luwin come up to him. "Robb may I talk to you, alone perhaps." 

"Yes Maester." Robb answered looking to his bastard brother and his friend. He didn't find anything suspicious about the Maester coming to him. His mother probably just wants him to get away from Jon. 

"A raven came from King's Landing. The King's hand is dead, and the King and Queen is coming to Winterfell along with all his children. Your father thinks that hes going to ask him to become his hand." Maester Luwin looked at Robb wanting him to infer what he was saying. 

"Father becomes hand, I'll be the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North." Robb said aloud. 

"Yes, and you'll need a wife also. The King has two daughters. Zyta is of marrying age. You are to meet with her and talk." Maester turned around to walk away but Robb caught his arm. 

"But I am not engaged to her?" Robb asked. He was confused to say the least, of course he had marriage proposals but he didn't find that he loved any of the people that he was going to marry. All of them feel short, but a proposal of the King's daughter wouldn't fall short. 

"King Robert gave his daughter the choice of marrying whom ever she wants. His other children don't get that option. If Zyta feels like you'll be a good husband, then she'll say yes. If she feels like you would not or she thinks someone else would be a better choice, then she'll say no. She might even be married or engaged by the time she gets here." Master Luwin gave a final look to the young Stark and walked off. 

Robb stood in place for a couple of moments before going back to Jon and Theon. "What did the Maester want?" Theon asked. 

"The King's hand is dead. Father thinks the King is going to ask him to be the new hand." Robb said, looking between his two childhood best friends. 

"So if father leaves, you would be the Lord of Winterfell." Jon said with a mix of excitement and sadness in his voice. Jon knew that his half brother would be a great Lord and be like his father. But the sadness in his voice, that was Jon releasing that he would never be anything more than a bastard. 

"He has a daughter, Zyta, she is of marrying age. I am to meet with her, if she likes me, we'll marry, if she doesn't, then we wont." Robb was still confused about the whole thing. He explained that Zyta was aloud to marry who ever she wants. 

"I've heard that she is very beautiful. Beauty that is rare to find in the Seven Kingdoms." Theon said to the two young men. 

"You think anything with two sets of lips is beautiful." Robb stated at the slightly older boy. Both Jon and Robb started laughing. 

Theon glared at both of them, "you'll see when she gets here. You'll be hoping that she falls for you Lord Stark." 


Hello my loves! Thank you so much for reading and voting on this story! It means so incredibly much, and something that I can't possible fathom or comprehend! With that said, I would like some comments about what I can do better, such as spelling or correct terminology.  I do try to use the correct terminology but there is so much and I can't possibly use the right terms all the time. Be nice in the comments to, because I'll cry if you're mean lol. Thank you guys again for all the reads, votes, and comments. It means the world and keeps me writing this fic. 

With much love, 

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