Liam Spin-Off Sneak Peak

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A/N: This is ten years after what happens in the sequel. This is your last chance. The last time I'm going to tell you to read the sequel before this. The spin-off is now up and it's called "A Life Given Is Never A Life Lost" and I'm going to post a little sneak peak of it here. Go ahead and add it to your library my lovelies. This is ten years after he's shot by Parker.


I stalk around the small grocery store, limping slightly. Ignoring the growing pain in my lower back, I scan the chip aisle. My little shopping cart is full of nothing but snacks and junk food. I've tried eating healthy before but it didn't exactly tickle my cockles.

Not being able to find the Doritos and not wanting to ask anyone for help, I settle for grabbing a bag of fritos instead. I move down the aisle, checking to make sure that there isn't anyone who could potentially recognize me. I've gotten what I need, now I just need to check out and get home. Everytime I go out I can't help but to worry about running into someone that I used to know. It's become a common worry etched in the back of my mind.

I'm pushing to the front of the store, moving towards the checkout line when I collide with someone. It all sort of happens in slow motion. She's able to maintain grip of her shopping basket, but I'm in no way as fortunate. All of my stuff falls out, toppling all over the place. All three packs of my sausages are sent rolling across the floor. Like a little sausage party. I sigh as I stare down at the spilled food, not wanting to keel down to pick it back up. My back has already been hurting enough today as it is.

I block out the woman that I ran into, not paying her apologies much attention as I kneel down to gather my fallen food. I don't even bother glancing at her, genuinely not in the mood for this She kneels down in front of me helping to pick up everything that I haven't already grabbed myself.

"I am so sorry," the lady says as we stand. I stand up a lot slower than her, my bad back becoming more and more of an issue. "It was completely my fault."

I mess around with the stuff in my basket, making sure that it all fits, before looking up at the girl that ran into me.

I pause for a moment as I look at the girl, recognizing her right away. My heart drops as I realize who's standing in front of me. I'd know her face better than anyone. Her eyes wander through mine curiously, showing no sign of recognition as she tilts her head at me. Her long brunette hair cascades down her shoulders, only partly covering up the nametag perched atop of her business suit.

I get lost staring at her, just the same way as I always have. All of my warning bells seem to be malfunctioning before I shouldn't still be standing here. If she were anyone else then I would already be on my way. But she's never been just anyone else. She's the girl who broke my heart when I was just fifteen. One of the only girls that I've ever come close to falling in love with. I almost don't even register saying anything as her name slips by my lips.



Miranda is Scott's sister if you forgot. Short and sweet. Already itching to figure out what happened? Titles reveal a lot about storylines, remember that. I hope you all enjoyed it :) Next chapter will be up in a few days, first one is just sort of the set up for the story. Make sure to add the book to the libraries so that you get the notification when I post it. There's Miranda off to the side---}}

Are you confused?

Did you expect it to be Skylar somehow?

Surprised that Miranda and Liam had a little fling before?

Why does Liam have such a bad back?

Ready to really get this story rolling?

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