Sequel or spin-off?

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Well I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. But for those of you who didn't read it, I have decided that I am going to make either a spin-off or a sequel. The reasoning for though, is that I'm not exactly sure what to do right now. So I'm going to let you guys pick. 

Option A: A sequel with Abby and Scott of course being the main characters. Maybe a couple years into the future, maybe with a few's not determined. I wanna hear what you guys would want to see, cause this sequel would be entirely for you. What would you guys want to see in this sequel?

Option B: A spin-off with Liam and someone else. I won't lie to you, it probably won't be Becca. But it may or may not be someone else that was in this story, not a very developed character, but an interesting character nonetheless. Bet you guys can't guess. But I've already thought a little bit about this and the spin-off would be sometime after the whole dilemma happened with Parker and of course Liam would still be battling his problems with alcohol and whatnot. A lot of you guys hate Liam for some reason...once again he's my favorite character so hopefully I could show you why in this. But again, what would you guys like to see happen if I did this?

Option C: A Fanna spin-off. I know you guys are big fans of the Anna and Falon romance that just popped out of nowhere. I'm very undecided on when I want to start writing their story. Would you guys want this to be more of a background story on how they ended up together? Or would you want it to just be a continuation of the end of this story but in their point of views...if that makes any sense. Again, I'm open to opinions, what do you guys want to see happen.

Basically just comment which one you want the most and whichever one has the most is the one I'll start writing first. I'm not sure if I'll even do more than one of them because I'm writing so many other stories that I haven't even published on Wattpad yet. 

I don't think I missed anything, unless there's some other spin-off story that someone wanted to suggest I write. Those were the most requested, if I'm missing one just comment and I'll basically look into anything. I love writing, so I will honestly write anything. 

I always like to let my readers have some say in what I write because you guys always have awesome ideas that I probably would have never thought of. So just to reiterate what I've already written a million times, comment what you want, and it just might happen. 

And lastly: HOLY FUCK CAMILA CABELLO AND MACHINE GUN KELLY---}}THAT SONG HAS BEEN ON REPEAT FOR ME ALL DAY. One thing you guys don't know about me is that I'm slightly obsessed with Fifth Harmony...I know it's very un-emo compared to everything else I listen to. Anyways I was up until midnight waiting for Camila and MGK to release this song last week and they did not disappoint. This is really off topic but...

I love you all!!





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