Bonus Chapter 2.5

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It's been awhile :)

Daniel's P.O.V

I can't believe she didn't act weird about it.

"Oh believe me, this isn't the weirdest thing I've seen before."

What kind of perfect human being have I stumbled upon? And what could she have possibly seen before that's weirder than me keeping buckets of underwear locked away in my car? I doubt I'll ever find out the answer to either of those questions, but I think by fat the weirdest thing to happen today is that this girl still wanted to help me carry the buckets into the school. So that's what we're doing right now, lugging the giant buckets into the college. We stop and set them on the floor when we walk into the elevator. It's silent for a comfortable second, as the elevator carries us up, before she turns and extends her hand to me.

"I'm Skylar," she says and I take her noticeably soft hand in my own.

"Daniel," I grin and let go of her hand. "I take it you do this often?"

"Do what?"

"Help perverts carry underwear around."

"Only the cute ones," she laughs shaking her head at me. "You aren't a pervert though are you."

"I hope it's not a deal breaker if I'm not one," I shrug. "But then again I guess that depends on what your definition of a pervert is."

"In that case I guess I'll be getting off the elevator now."

"I'm kidding," I laugh and she raises an eyebrow at me. "I promise I won't perv out on you. I just want to conduct an experiment."

"What kind of experiment?"

"I want to mess around with people a little bit," the elevator comes to a stop and we step out onto the roof. "The classic dropping of underwear on people's heads."

"How do you expect to hit anyone with a pair of underwear from this high up?"

"I don't, it'd be too hard cause the underwear would just float around in the wind," I set my buckets down and grab the two gallons of water I had brought upstairs yesterday. "But it'll be a lot easier hitting people with the underwear if it's wet."

"I take it you've done this before?"

"Not once," I grab the poles that I brought up here earlier along with the tarp that I brung along yesterday. "But I've thought about it a lot."

I take the poles and prop them up into a position that will hold the tarp up to make a makeshift tent. I was too lazy to run to the story and just get a tent so I just grabbed what we had in the garage and came here.

"You plan on staying here for a while?" Skylar asks as she observes the shelter I've created.

"Probably not," I say stepping back and admiring my own handy work. "But it's supposed to start raining today which makes for great weather to throw stuff at people."

I walk away from her and grab one of the gallons of water. I walk over to the buckets and start pouring water over the various amounts of underwear in the buckets. A shadow appears next to me and I look up to see Skylar with the other gallon of water. She's leaning over and it takes literally everything in me not to stare at her ass. Does it make me a bad person to have looked? Or does it mean that I'm a good person because I looked away?

"You don't have to help me anymore," I say standing up and hauling my buckets of wet underwear over to the ledge of the building. "You've done more than enough."

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