Earths Charge and Winds Click

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here's a new chapter!!! hope you like it and sorry if it sucks or any misspelling I'm trying really hard on getting back on the plot of this story.



I woke up a little angry because I knew I'd have to go through more 'training'. The door clicked and swung open. Charlie motioned for me to follow him and like a good slave I did. The training grounds plants, seamed dead and the rocks were huge."you know learning the element Earth could take years."I said."well you only got a day."he said. I glared at him as he blankly stared at me. I sighed and sat down on the almost dead grass. I put my hands on the ground and sensed for any signs of life in it. I couldn't feel the charge or pulls of life in the ground which frustrated me.

I looked to the willow tree and decided might as well try and see if I can feel the life in it. I got up and put my hand on its trunk. I could feel my powers trying to break through. I took deep breathes and pushed the powers back and started focusing on the tree. I closed my eyes and tried to picture all the plants I could and tried to see there life and beauty of it. My body began to feel strange as if life and strength were flowing through my veins. I opened my eyes and the tree seamed to be growing. The grass was green and lush there were flowers blooming."I don't know about this element. How will it be useful in fighting?"Charlie asked. I smirked.

"because now I choose what's going to bloom."I said and put my hand out up to the e and turned some of its leaves into vines. I motioned my hand towards Charlie. The vines flew at him. I moved my finger in circles and the vines began to trap Charlie. I raised my hand and then flicked my wrist. The vines raised Charlie and then threw him into the wall hard. I motioned the vines next to me and then I motioned them back up to the tree. I moved the water from the small pond and had it water the tree, grass, and flowers."remind me to just tell and not ask."charlie said.

 He got up and looked at me confused."now it's time for wind."He said."usually we just wait a day now we are going to rush into it?"I asked. I don't think this is very safe."yup you got earth down pretty fast so wind begins now and then we train you in fighting with your powers."

"I hope that means I can shift soon."I said."maybe. Now start learning."he said. I rolled my eyes. He kept staring at me."what?!"I asked harshly. He didn't flinch."your eyes change color when you use the element powers."he said. I shrugged. So if I used wind water color would my eyes turn since the psychic ability is white. Water is a midnight blue. Wind could be a baby blue. I sighed and relaxed as much as I could. Wind. Wind. OK how do I learn to control wind? I didn't feel any wind in this area so how would I make it. I need to feel the force of the wind I think.

"I need you to get some fans going in here."I said. He put his hands through his hair and then moved to a monitor and whispered something even I couldn't hear. The walls slid up and fans raged on and almost made me fall. 'This is stupid!' my wolf Annabelle yelled.'your telling me.'I said back. My hair flew everywhere. I closed my eyes and tried to hear the whispers and voices carried by the wind. None. Then again this wind was kinda made. I looked to the door and used my psychic ability and opened it a little. I got a shock out of it but it wasn't to strong.

I closed my eyes and tried again. Faint whispers which means this wind is traveling the place. I put my hands out and felt the force of the wind. I felt something click and I snapped my eyes open to see the wind circle around me. I moved my hand in a slash and the wind made these blade like winds which hit the wall. A line showing I could use the element wind. I took a deep breath and relaxed and the wind circling me stopped. The fans turned off."very good."Charlie said.

"if your wondering your eyes are gold."he said. How could it be gold? I shrugged my shoulders. Liam entered the room."very good rouge. Your limits seam to have no end. Let's try and see if you can learn to read minds."he said. I could swear my eyes went the size of Cd's."WHAT! There are limits to how many powers we can have and I can barely control the new ones I have now from trying to destroy my body!"I yelled. I was being electrocuted again.

I was screaming again."what did I tell you about yelling at me."he snapped. I glared at him as I collapsed to the ground. I gripped onto the collar trying to pull it off. My vision blurred and my body ached. It burned and felt stiff yet light."stop the thing from shocking her! The powers are going out of whack!"Charlie yelled. I could hear wind thrashing everywhere. The shock stopped and everything went quiet. My powers raged inside me trying to get out. I took deep breathes trying to calm down and the only thing that got better was my vision.

The powers still raged and I could feel my temperature rising."leave her training at the fighting it seams she's reached her limits in her abilities."Liam's voice said. Charlie nodded and watched Liam leave. Charlie quickly moved me to the water and steam came off my body as the cold water lowered my temperature back to normal."let's get started rouge we don't got long."he said. I took a deep breathe. This was defiantly hell.



Well there you go!! XD

hope you liked it! I'm going to start posting a lot since its summer now and I'm kinda into it again so sorry for the long wait. next chapter up soon!!

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