Water's Pull

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Wolfs Rain

Chapter 3 Waters Pull


All through the night was painful either it was to cold or to hot because of the fire and at times it felt like my body was on fire. I couldnt even lay on the bed because id get to hot. I was sitting on the floor with my back against the wall. I sighed in fustration as I rested my head agianst the wall and finally I fell asleep.

I woke up and didnt feel the heat or the cold in the slitest and I smiled. I survived the fire ability but whats next and how far are my limits were. Would I survive the next element they teach me? Originaly werewolves had abilities they were born with but as time progrest we began to just forget or be unable to just have powers. The only ones who have powers now are the Elders. We are forbidden to learn them now but it dosnt stop some people like me and I guess this aweful place as well. In all history werewolves had only had one ability and the ones who try for a second die pretty quickly or shortly after learning how to use the ability.

Why did I survive? Is it possible in my past that that evil man was right? My blood was special. that was what he had said. I never understood what he ment my blood was special how? What made it special and how could i test this theory? I sighed in fustration. I growled when I heard the door click and then open. Damon's eyes traveled the room looking for me and once they landed on me his expression turned into a depressed one that made me smirk. He growled at me.

"Get up. Training begans now an today is my favorite because I get to help in your learning of water." He smirked at this and i knew he was going to try and kill me, this time with his own hands. I got up and like last time he grabbed my forearm and pulled me to the training room."We made some improvements to the training room so you can learn faster."He said. We entere the room and there i saw a pool that had a waterfall like thing pooring water into it.

Damon started pulling me to the pool and then pushed me to the floor."we are going to have to work on your strength later."He said. I groweled. "Anybody would be weak if they havent eaten in a few days." I said not wanting to yell. i could hardly control the fire now and i had a felling if i started yelling fire would be all over his body. He scoffed and then bent down to my level."Get used to it because he isnt going to fed you until he is sure he can trust you." His hands were now on my throat."Lets began shall we." He said with a smirk that could scare a whole town.

He pushed me into the water and i started kicking. He was Trying to fucking drawn me! Thats not how im suppose to learn this water ability! He pullled me back above the water and I gasped for air. I growled at him and then back under the water i went. I stopped kicking and tried to get his hands off of my neck. He pulled me up again. I noticed that Liam the man who kidnapped me was watching all of this with a stern look on his face. I was back under the water and i was fully pissed now. The water began to boil and bubble and the heat was to much for Damon that he let go of me. I went up again and let fire surround my hands."You want to play tough then bring it on."I said. Damon backed up."Yes Damon show her what you can do."Liam said.

Damon was now scared relizing that Liam was there. The collar reacted and i was shocked so bad that it rendered me powerless. I screamed and fell to my knees. When the collar stopped shocking me, I was gasping. Damon was smirking at my pain and I just glared at him. Liam approached him and before i could even catch my breathe, Liam punched Damon over and over. I was uterly scared for Damon as the hitting never stopped."STOP IT!" I yelled. Liam didnt like me yelling at him because as soon as i did it the collar reacted and i was shocked even worse then before. i bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from screaming.

The collar stopped and I just couldnt move anymore."Yell at me again or try and order me agai and ill just have you shocked and beaten."He said. I managed to see Damon and he was bleeding."Damon will not be teaching you anymore but i have someone else who will be training you."he said. In came a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes. Two big guys also came in the room and dragged Damon away. "Get up."Liam ordered me. I forced myself up not wanting the pain of the collar. Liam nodded to the boy and left."Ok get in the water."He ordered. I listened and entered the water that reached my waist."Im sure you know what to do from here so began."

I nodded and took a deap breathe and went under the water. I crossed my legs and clossed my eyes and calmed my nerves. From what i remembered from the Books that gave you information on the powers I should feel a tug from the water. I was actually really relaxed under the water and felt calm like none of this was forced on me in the begining. I felt the tug and my eyes snapped open. I motion my hand up and the water picked me up above to the air and I could now move the water how I wanted."very good rouge."The new guy said. i put my hand down and the water fell and i landed on the ground."Tell me whats your name."I Ordered. He smirked."your woonds are gone and all you care about is my name." i crossed my arms. He sighed."Its Charlie."He said. I examined Charlie and noticed he was also wearing a collar."Why are you wearing a collar?"

"Because his trust only goes so far."

"So even if i learn these powers im still going to wear this damn thing." i pointed at the collar and he nodded."specially if you learn all the elements he has chosen for you." he looked sad for me."Then ill have to behave if i dont want the pain."I said."Thats enough talking for now. You have to go back to your room."He said. I expected him to grab my forearm and drag me there but instead he gently nudged me to the direction of the room I was to be held in. He touched the door and like last time it clicked and then swung open. Charlie waited for me to go in before he closed the door.

I was shocked to see food on a table in this room and it was still hot which meant they just brought it. "Eat rouge your next element is earth and that one will be a very difficult one."Liams voice said which activated the lights in the room. I sighed and followed his orders.

When was this torture going to be over and done with? Would i ever escape this hell hole or am i just going to die from these stupid powers?


Well i hope that was a good chapter and i hope you liked it! Sorry if there was any mistakes.

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