Chapter 53

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June, 2014

I walked proudly out of the booth after finishing one of my recordings for our new album, making my way through the studio until I reached the lounge. I took a seat next to Camila on the couch, scooting in close- but not too close- to her and placing a hand on her knee. As much as we wanted the other girls to know that we were officially back together, there was always the fear of disapproval. They were our best friends- more like family- but after everything we'd been through, we weren't so sure they liked the idea of us together anymore. Dinah was like Camila's older sister despite the fact that Camila was older, and I personally worried that she would only be concerned with making sure I didn't hurt Camila again. Ally was the same way with me. We all looked out for each other, and though they all knew how much I loved Camila, I was afraid that they wouldn't approve. The last thing we needed when things were back on track was a lecture from the girls about how we shouldn't be together, so we kept quiet. We flirted around them and hugged or held hands, but that wasn't unusual. We never kissed or even hinted at the fact that we might be back together, just acted as if we were nothing more than friends until nighttime rolled around and we could be alone. As far as I knew, they had no idea, and we wanted to keep it that way until we could no longer hide it.

Normani took her turn in the booth and Dinah excused herself to speak to Tara, leaving me, Camila, and Ally gathered around the lounge. I turned to look at Camila and found her glancing down at her phone, a slight frown plastered on her face.

"You okay?" I asked, nudging her gently with my elbow.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she promised me.

"You don't look fine," Ally observed.

Camila shoved her phone back into her pocket and sighed, sitting up straighter on the couch and leaning against my shoulder.

"I really am okay," she assured us. "It's just...I just found out that The 1975 has a show here in LA tonight and it's too late to get tickets. I can't even tell you what I'd do to be there."

"I'm sure they'll be back," I encouraged. "LA is a busy city. I doubt this will be their last show here."

"I know," she shrugged. "It's just that knowing that they're here and I don't get to see them sucks."

I picked up her hand and squeezed it supportively as Dinah and Normani returned to the lounge, signaling that it was time to go. I released Camila's hand and she stood up, slumping out of the lounge and to the door. I hated seeing her upset. Even though she swore she was okay, I could tell she wanted to go to that concert more than anything. I sucked in a deep breath and followed her to the door, giving her space as we exited the studio and made our way to the shuttle. We climbed inside and began the drive home quietly, all of us too exhausted from another long day at the studio to hold much of a conversation. We dropped Ally off and exchanged our good-byes and then continued the journey, Camila's hand in mine the entire time. We all piled out of the shuttle and made our way to our apartments, stopping by Camila and Dinah's place first. Camila shuffled over to the speakers by the television and plugged in her phone, allowing The 1975's album to fill the air.

"Mila, do you have to play your music so loud?" Dinah groaned. "We have neighbors you know."

"Sorry," Camila sighed, turning the volume down a few notches. "I just thought if I can't actually go to the concert, I could at least imagine being there."

She took a seat on the couch and stared straight ahead, tapping her foot to the beat of the music tiredly.

"Dinah, I need your help," I said quietly, pulling on her arm and dragging her out of the apartment.

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