Chapter 11

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The next four days passed with ease, Camila and I falling into a normal routine of just being together and keeping it a secret from everyone, even Keaton who suddenly had a disinterest in our relationship after the incident a few days prior. Sneaking around became easier and easier as the days passed, and after a while I realized that it didn't feel much like sneaking around at all. We acted like best friends 24/7, even when we were alone- minus the kissing- and I found that it wasn't any different when we were with the other girls. We could continue our relationship like normal without a second thought from anyone in the group. The group grew closer together as well, most of our days spent in rehearsal now that the competition was heating up and the next live show was approaching.

We were to sing Christina Perry's A Thousand Years later that evening, the day before filled with exclusive interviews and rehearsals.

"So what's the point of this interview?" Normani asked Simon as he stood off to the side, the cameraman already setting up to begin.

"You answer questions that fans tweet, text, or voicemail you. Just answer them honestly. It's just behind the scenes content," he answered, speaking to all of us at once.

One of the producers handed Dinah a phone and returned to the sidelines, leaving her to figure out how to use it properly for the interview.

"Okay, we're rolling whenever you're ready," the cameraman announced. "And please, for the love of God, try not to talk over each other."

"No promises," Camila said, leaning into my side.

The cameraman began recording and Dinah opened our first text from a fan. Each of us took turns answering, but before it was my turn, Camila wrapped both of her arms around my shoulders and rested her head in the crook of my neck.

"Camz, what are you doing?" I whispered.

"Just go with it. If the girls don't suspect anything why would anyone else?" she said, answering her question and cutting our conversation short.

She made a valid point. We practically lived with the girls and they had absolutely no idea that anything was going on between us. People watching the video would just think we were close friends and nothing more. We had nothing to worry about, and I felt relieved to finally be able to display our relationship in the open despite it still being a secret.

She stayed wrapped around me for the entire interview, both of us lost in our own little world as we attempted to keep our attention off of each other and answer the questions. We felt that we did a pretty decent job when it was over, and neither of us were worried that we had given anything away.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you two were a couple," Keaton joked as he approached Camila and me.

"You're finally talking to me again?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I wanted to apologize for that," he sighed, pulling the two of us to the side momentarily. "It just caught me off guard, that's all."

"If I had known that my half naked body would have kept you quiet for this long I would have done something a lot sooner," Camila teased, raising her eyebrow suggestively.

"Well, I mean, it's not like it's a bad thing," Keaton stammered. "I didn't mind."

"Okay, enough," I interrupted. "In case you had forgotten Camila is kind of-"

"Lauren, Keaton, can I speak to the two of you for a moment?" Simon asked, cutting me off.

Keaton and I exchanged a worried look but made our way to Simon, anxious to hear what he had to say.

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