Chapter 42

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"Holy shit," Camila breathed rolling off of me and collapsing onto the bed.

I wiped the sweat off my brow and turned towards her, studying her face as her chest rose and fell with each sharp breath. She turned on her side and propped up on her elbow, placing her hand on my heart and smiling when she felt the rapid beating underneath my skin.

"I thought after nearly a week of this I'd be tired of it by now," she smirked. "Not even close."

"You expected to get tired of me?" I laughed.

She shrugged and slid her hand down my stomach, tracing circles on my skin until her hand met my hip.

"I thought I'd get bored," she admitted. "We can only have so much sex before it starts to become a routine."

"It's already a routine, Camila," I pointed out, trying my best to mask the disappointed tone in my voice. "Five days in a row of sex every night and occasionally mornings is a routine. Normani even moved in with Dinah so we could stay together. It's like it's...scheduled now."

"Are you not enjoying yourself?" she asked. "I mean, we can stop."

"No," I protested quickly. "I'm enjoying myself. I just...I don't want this to become the only way we can spend time together."

She leaned down to connect our lips gently and I took in every detail of the kiss before she pulled away again. The funny thing was, not even all the time we spent together in bed made me feel half as great as her lips did. Every single day since Valentines Day had been the same thing: wake up, act like friends, then jump into bed like we had loved each other all our lives. It eventually got to the point where we were up all night every night, and I was ready to fall over from exhaustion. I enjoyed myself when I was with her- it was impossible not to- but I was afraid it would escalate. I was afraid we would become dependent on sex and nothing more and drift apart aside from our nights alone, or like she said, that she would grow bored with me and move on again. I hated feeling like I was only good for one thing, and I hated treating her like she was as well, but I didn't know how else to keep her around. It was the only way we could both feel a connection. It was what she wanted and I granted her wish, but in the back of my mind I always prayed for something more. I hoped that one night in the midst of it all she would look into my eyes or feel my lips against hers and remember all that we had shared. I prayed that she would ask for it all back, but that day hadn't come yet, and I wasn't sure it was going to. I was nothing but entertainment, and I played along like every night wasn't slowly ripping me apart inside.

"This isn't the only way I want to be with you," she promised me.

"It's not?" I pressed. "Are you sure?"

She nodded and stared straight into my eyes, assuring me that she was being truthful. "I enjoy your company with clothes on just as much as I enjoy it without."

"I mean, I could understand why you'd be worried about that if we were dating or something," she continued. "I'd be worried too, but we're not. We're friends. You have nothing to be worried about. I'm not going anywhere and we can spend just as much time together outside of bed than in if that'll make you happy."

"That would make me very happy," I nearly whispered.

"Good," she grinned, kissing me softly, "That just means the more time we spend doing this, the more time we get to spend doing other stuff too."

She slid her hand down my leg, resting her fingertips on my inner thigh as she trailed gentle kisses down my neck. I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her lips to mine as she repositioned herself so that she was straddling my waist. Her hand moved between my legs and she separated our lips, her breath tickling my skin as she laughed quietly.

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