Daddy's Little Girl.

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Welcome back my loves. x

I am so bored so I decided to give an early update, I just finished a Turkish drama- İçimdeki Fırtına. So I have nothing to do, please suggest some romantic dramas. X

Enjoy the song it's one of my favourites. Don't forget to vote and comment. X

Anyways... Off with the update.

|Daddy's Little Girl.|


The bell rang making me look up to see everyone leaving. I had been daydreaming all lesson unable to work, move. I was in shock, I fell in love with him, I fell in love with my bully.

I stood up and took my bag leaving the room looking at the empty seat once more. My heart said love him yet my mind screamed danger and to run away from the chaos he is. I didn't want to listen to any of them, I called for a taxi and waited. Turning my phone on I dialed Ryder's number, I don't know why but I did, I just wanted to hear his voice.

I was still confused out earlier, all the words he said in the beautiful language was memorised, imprinted in my mind. The call was cut off and I furrowed my brows, did he disconnect the call, but why? Again and again I called hoping to hear his husky voice, I didn't stop until my taxi pulled up. I got in and was about to call again when an unknown number called me.

"Hello?" I said accepting the call, who was it?

"Stop calling Ryder, for his sake and yours." I heard and then the person hung up.

I recognised the voice but I couldn't pinpoint exactly who it was. With my head in my hand I sat back and questioned all that had happened within a few hours. I was perplexed, puzzled, what did Ryder say and why wasn't he taking my calls?

The taxi stopped and I got out, it began raining heavily and the winds had blown me back, I needed to get home. A thought popped up in my mind, my neighbour Angelo was Italian, he could help me understand what Ryder had said. I ran to his door and knocked, he opened the door a few seconds later worry masking his face as he saw me.

"Bambina! Child come inside, it is freezing." I went in and stood my the heater near the entrance.

"Are your parents not home, do you need me to call them?" He asked and pulled out a blanket from a closet on my right. I shook my head and took the blanket from him. "Thank you, I- well," I began, I could not tell him a boy said this to me, he'd accidentally tell my mum if they will bump into each other or something. I would tell him my friend had said this over the phone to someone else.

"Yes figlia."He says waiting for me to continue, I give him a small smile. "My parents are home I just needed some translations, my friend was talking to someone on the phone in her native language which is Italian, I'm quite nosy and I want to know what she said, can you help me?" I asked hoping he would say yes.

"Of course, what did she say, do you remember?" He asked, of course I did how could I not remember Ryder's dejected, despondent voice.

"Yes I may pronounce it wrong but this is the first thing h-she said. Neonata, il mio cuore ha inutilmente senza di te. " I was sure I said it badly but I knew I remembered it.

"Those are very beautiful words, my dear it seems your friend is in love. This means, 'Babygirl my heart has no purpose without you.' Such touching words." I stopped frozen in my place although my body was warm from the blanket and heater my blood ran cold.

I continued not wanting to give my opinion, my heart was collapsing.

"She also said this, Voglio stare co te, ma come faccio lo andra portarvi via da le mie braccia." His face turned sad, just like Ryder's making me curious, what did Ryder say.

"My child these words are very blue, your friend said, 'I want to be with you but how can I? He will take you from my arms.'Make sure your friend is okay." He says making me dizzy, who was 'he' and why would he want to separate me and Ryder?

I nodded and spoke again."Anche se sara soddisfarmi avvezzo assere sufficiente, mi serve un ultimo bacio." I looked down at my shoes thinking about his words.

"Uh- 'Although it will satisfy me, it wont be enough but I need one last kiss.' That's what she said." He says, I look at him wanting to say the last words but the kiss that I shared with Ryder earlier had placed itself in my mind, I felt his lips on mine but when Angelo spoke I erased my pensive adagio.

"Anything else my dear?" He asks, "Yes, this is the last one,'Se non lo fermo mio cuore si sentira angoscia per il resto della mia vita.' I really appreciate what your doing Angelo." I say and thank him because now I am aware of Ryder's words.

"I feel sad hearing this, Ayla, dear I think your friend is heartbroken. She said 'Treasure if I don't stop my heart will feel anguish for the rest of my life.'Ayla... would you like something to eat or drink?" He said and I looked at him with a weary smile.

"No, thank you for offering but I should go home." I said and gave him. small nod.

"Okay, bye figlia." He says awkwardly and I unwrapped the blanket and towel from my body giving it to him. I opened the door and left the house, no words because all of them had been flattened, rolled out.

I felt like crying, I wanted to cry. My heart felt so heavy and my body felt drained.

It felt hard to think about it, the fact strained every nerve and organ in my body. But how could I ignore it?

How could I could ignore that I loved Ryder?

He had my heart locked up his locker, sighing I stood in front of my house. In a blink of an eye the door opened and my dad stood there his six foot 3 stature taking up the door frame.

"Mija, come inside Ayla." He cries in worry. With a big smile he steps out of the patio and took my hand. He lead me in and once in he immediately gave me some clothes from the clean pile mum had probably washed throughout the day.

I went other downstairs toilet it was spacious enough for me to change. Changing into the sweats and faux fur lined hoodie I unlocked the door to see dad holding my bunny slippers.

I gigged and wore them, "Where's mum?" I asked and we both went to the kitchen.

"She's upstairs sleeping." He says with adoration in his eyes. I scrolled through my email seeing if my teacher had emailed me back. Then in from of me was placed a big mug of hot chocolate, with whipped cream, caramel syrup and mini marshmallows.

My dad was the best.

"Thank you. Do you want anything to eat?" I asked and super on the sweet warm beverage. He shook his head and drank some water.

I was thankful, he had made my mood brighter, I didn't feel as down or upset anymore but of course the mild heartache was still there.

I gathered my up attempting to put it in a bun and once it was I regretted it.

"Ayla what at those marks all over your neck?"


To be honest if my dad saw these marks on my neck he would've killed me, then the person who gave them to me.

But anyways did you guys enjoy the update?! As you know the Christmas holidays have arrived well my one officially starts on Wednesday but i want to say Merry Christmas to all those that are celebrating.

I will be updating more throughout the holiday even if I'm busy. x

Hope you enjoyed, Vote and follow me if you can. X

Not edited.

Until next time...

Much Love,


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