Fights and Kisses

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This chapter is dedicated to everyone because i don't know what i did to deserve such an amazing group of readers. You guys have placed BATB 160 in Teen Fiction.

All my love has been sent to you guys. X

Welcome Back my loves! Due to you guys being an amazing bunch of people ive decided to update again!

I hope you all had a good weekend, mine consisted of partying, shopping and binge watching romanve movies, what about you?
Also how is your week going so far?

Anyways... Off with the update.

|Fights and Kisses.|


"What!" I say to Bri making her smirk.

"Girl, it's all around school." She says and my eyes widen.

"B-but I-im not even-" I began stuttering like the flabbergasted person i was.

"I know but what happened last night?" She asks.

"James and I went to a part and lets just say I got drunk... Accidentally, I promise."

Her jaw dropped making me giggle.

"Ayla Rose Salvatore why are you going to parties and getting drunk, and here I thought you were a good girl." She said sarcastically.

"Oh shush. So this guy came to me and I don't remember much but I think we were dancing and the guy took me upstairs-" 

"Wait so the rape attempt was true." She says worriedly, I give a nod with no emotion.

Yes it was traumatising but I was drunk, I could barely remember most of it. The most vile thing I remembered was asking the guy to stop but he wouldn't.

Is this how people we're treated, God help those who have been harrassed, boy or girl.

"Who was the guy? Ayla if you know press charges." She says while caressing my back.

"I-i don't. All I know is Ryder beat the hell out of him." I said and shivered thinking about the guy who tried to have sex with me.

"Finally after all these years he does something good." She says and I almost roll my eyes.'

Wait what.' I thought.

 'I never roll my eyes at Bri. Never.'

'Was I defending Ryder?'

All these thoughts swirled through my mind and then I heard shouting. Me and Bri rushed out of the toilets to see Ryder on top of James. He was punching him brutally. James' face was bloody and he tried desperately to fight back but Ryder had him pinned to the wall.

"Ryder. Stop!" I shouted pleadingly. My breathing turned ragged and I feared for James' health as his eyes tolled back into his head.

"James! Ryder please leave him alone!" I screamed. He didn't listen, more students came forming a large crowd.

I needed to stop this. Now.

I walked to Ryder and placed my hand on his back trying to pull him away. He tensed then relaxed. My lips travelled to his ear and I whispered,

"Please Ryder, please." I said in a soothing tone trying to comfort him. He released James and I went straight to aid him only to be pulled back by Ryder.

"Please, let me help him. You hurt him and-" I sighed.

"Just let me." I said his eyes darkened and as soon as the onyx arrived in his eyes it left. He was angry, but my main priority right now was helping James.

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