Chapter One.

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The day had finally come, the first day back to college. I was ultimately prepared and ready to learn.

But what I wasn't ready for was Ryder.

I just know he would provoke me, and I was anxious. Ryder has always hated me and I never knew why. It's not like I had ever done anything to be treated the way I am by him, I've always been nice to him even after all the things he did.

He's a closed book, never predictable. I was always curious about him, why he was always like this. He was indefinitely smart and a well-liked individual in our academy even with his bad behaviour and attitude. Teachers sucked up to him because his dad owner of Costello airlines- one of the most luxurious airlines in the world was a huge benefactor to the academy.

My parents well, my dad owns 4 restaurants I guess you can say a small franchise. They're all Moroccan and South American based as my mum is Moroccan and my dad is from the Dominican Republic. My grandparents on both sides migrated to London in the 70s to have a better life and to honour both of our beautiful cultures my dad opened up a chain of restaurants.

We're middle class, and wealthy but not filthy rich like Ryder.

It took my parents a lot of money and hard work to get into Cambridge academy, its one of the most prestigious schools in the U.K with top grades. That's why I work hard because I want to make my parents happy. Enough about that, much to my dismay I had English with Ryder first period and this year's seating plan... well I didn't know what it was and I was afraid. We had gotten our schedules a week ago on admissions day, I had overheard Ryder talking about how he was in class one- the highest achieving class and I looked at my schedule and found out I was also in the class. I could only hope we wouldn't cross paths.

After spending a few minutes in bed thinking about my sad social life I got up and went to the bathroom. Washing my face and doing my daily skincare routine I went downstairs turning the stove on. Quickly making pancake batter I pour it into the pan. I make enough to feed myself and my parents before I would have to get ready. Although it was only six thirty in the morning my school was around thirty minutes away meaning I'd have to be ready and out of the house by seven thirty am.

Hearing multiple footsteps I see my parents coming down. I give them their pancakes with fresh fruit to go along with it. Making them coffee I make some for myself but take it upstairs. Brushing my hair I tie it up loosely and start making myself look presentable. I breathe in frustration as I look at my closet wondering what I should wear. You would think being a prestigious and renowned educational institution there would be a uniform but nope we have to wear our clothes with dress codes. They were surprisingly reasonable, no short skirts above the mid-knee, no shorts above the mid-knee and no heels above three inches.

I eventually decided on some cream cargo trousers and a white tee, something simple but still cute. I paired it with an oversized cardigan in case it got windy. I packed my bag with essentials and checked the time to see it was seven. I call Bria and already knew she was still asleep, she picks up on the fourth ring. "Hello." She says groggily and I chuckle. "Hey sleepyhead, why aren't you up yet?"

"Ugh, I was on a Criminal Minds binge, pick me up at half seven?" She says and yawns, I don't blame her, there have been one too many nights I've refused sleep for Matthew Gray Gubler.

"Sure bub, see you in thirty." I hang up the call and rush downstairs, I slip my shoes on and kiss my parents goodbye.

Leaving the house I put my AirPods in and began listening to SZA, just needed some calamity this morning for my jittery nerves. I went into a corner shop and grabbed a granola bar, juice, gum and some sweets for Bri. I waited for the bus and hoped it would come soon, I hated being late, it made me feel like my whole day would be thrown off. Once the bus arrived and I luckily beat the morning rush of the city, I sat down in the back and read a book. Unfortunately, Bri lived right in the city centre, it was always busy with tourists, workers and just overall an area that never slept.

As I had got off at my stop I walked a mere two minutes to Bri's house and knocked on her door. I met with Ella, Bri's mum and gave her a hug as she invited me in.

"So Ayla are you excited about college?" She asks, "I wouldn't say excited is the right word, but I'm definitely looking forward to classes."

"How about Bri." I ask, Ella rolls her eyes and laughs, "I wouldn't know but I'm guessing she's not excited at all since she hasn't got out of bed." I giggle and go upstairs.

Opening the door to Bria's room I see that she was on her phone. "Bria get up! I don't want to be late." I say and attempt to pull her up however she pulled me down and into her arms hugging me. "You're so lucky I love you, if anyone else would've implied that I should get out of bed they would've died." She finally gets up and releases me from her hold. "Give me ten minutes and I'll be done." She states and leaves for the bathroom. I nod and take out my book to pass time. After some time she comes out with her hair up and makeup on, wearing a cute top with jeans and some sneakers. "You look good, now let's go!" I say not wanting to be late on our first day. "Okay, miss punctuality let's go!" She exclaims and we leave the house hand in hand walking to the train station. I worried as the next train was at eight and it was currently three minutes till then but luckily we were able to go in just as the door was closing. I pass her the sweets and she smiled. "Thank you bub, wait so comes you're so nervous." She asks and I sigh, "Honestly just about Ryder, he's always taunting me."

She rolled her eyes and screwed her face, "You shouldn't have to worry about that idiot, just ignore him, babe." Bri hated Ryder, for obvious reasons. I nod and changed the subject hoping to distract myself from the thought of him. Me and Bri began talking about how excited she was to have Mr Rothsmere as our head of year, he was a good-looking guy and very charming.

As she chattered about her crush we left the train and walked to the academy. Once at the gates we signed in using our passes, we were a few minutes early meaning we could talk and relax a little before morning registration. Thank god, since I was so unfit and out of breath because of our walk from the station.

Somehow, I had forgotten that Ryder was in our tutor group until Bri reminded me and the feeling of anxiety settled within me.

The bell rang and my heartbeat sped up, I was terrified of going into that class but I sucked it up and started walking. My eyes were on the floor and just as I was at the door an arm stopped me. I refused to look up, I already knew it was him, he had his chain bracelet on the one that had fancy Italian writing engraved.

I refused to look up, look up into his eyes but I did, and boy did I regret it.

"Ayla." He said curtly with mischief swirling in his eyes.

Although I didn't want to I had to give him some satisfaction.



hiiii and welcome to the end of the first chapter, i hope you enjoyed!

please let me know what you guys thought.

remember to vote if you liked!

pls stay safe, eat and drink lots of water!

lots of love,

amara <3

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