"Rot in hell" (19)

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I stare down at the biggest piece of scum to ever walk this Earth. I circle the chair that he is slumped in and strapped to while dragging the metal pipe on the ground behind me.

Alex sits in the corner, rocking back and forth with one hand pinching the bridge of his nose and the other one holding his stomach.

A few more minutes pass and Alex shoots up from his spot on the ground. "Brett! Stop that, you're giving me a headache oh my God." He brings his fingers up to rub his temples.

I walk over to him and pull him into my chest, his scent immediately hitting my nose. "I'm sorry, baby. I know you're hurting and we're going to get out of here soon. We're going to take lots of trips and go on adventures. Go to the beach, just me and you." I pull his chin up so he's staring into my eyes. Just looking at him makes me want to smile. And I do. "We'll go on dates and we'll go watch those cheesy movies that you like so much because God knows why. I love you Alex Davenport."

I place my hands on each side of his face and wipe the single tear that has rolled down his cheek. "I love you too Brett Anderson."

A groan and a cough comes from behind me and I see Alex peering over my shoulder.

"Well isn't that sweet?" A splatter of blood lands on the floor as Damien coughs again. His teeth are bloodstained and so is part of his chin. "So? What are you waiting for, huh?"

I grab the pipe from off of the floor where I dropped it. I walk over to stand in front of Damien and I bring the pipe up to his face.

"Once again, I'm going to ask you to tell us how the hell we get out of here." My voice is low and cold. I look back and forth between his eyes for any sign of resign but he isn't cracking.

"Where's Jasmine?" I hear Alex speak up behind me. He has walked over to where I was stood leaning on the armrests of the chair and is gripping the back of my sweater. "Where did she go?"

Damien smirks at Alex and says, "She was of no more use to me. Had to get rid o' her."

Alex gasps and let's go of my shirt to run his hand through his hair while pulling  at it. He walks out of the room and slams the door behind him.

He ignores my calls after him and I turn back to Damien. "You sick fûck!" I bring my foot back and kick him as hard as I can in the shin.

Damien's yell fills the room and echoes. I kick him once more and I rest my hands back on either side of the chair.

"That's for upsetting my boyfriend. And this," I raise the pipe and bring it down on the exact same spot on his head, "is for all those years of abusing Alex."

Damien's head rolls around on his neck and I can tell he's forcing his eyes open.

I have to make a decision now. Either I can kill the bastard now myself, or, let the police deal with it when we get out of here.

I'm about to hit him again when the door flies open. "Brett, stop!" It's Alex. And he has blood all over his shirt and hands. My eyes immediately widen and I drop the pipe, stepping toward him.

"What happened? Alex, tell me what the hell happened!?"

"Nothing! Nothing happened, it's not my blood! It's Jasmine's. She needs help. Brett we have to help her."

I nod my head and turn back to Damien. He's looking at us through squinted eyes.

"Go rot in hell. I guess the cops will have to finish you off."

His eyes widen and by this point, I know his strong facade is crumbling. "What? No! You can't leave me here! Untie me âsshole! Untie me right now or I swear to-"

I pull Alex into the hallway and slam the door shut after us. He grabs my hand and pulls me back down the hallway towards the room we were in. Except he doesn't go into the room, he goes past it to a door that seems to lead to a hidden room. The door looks like a part of the wall but if you look closely you notice a little handle in the top right corner.

Alex pulls on the handle and yanks the heavy looking door open. Inside looks like a small escape room fit for one or two people.

Jasmine, I'm assuming, is leaned up against the back wall with her hands pressed over a handkerchief thats covering part of her stomach. There was lots of splatters of blood on the handkerchief.

There's a giant bloodstain on her blouse and I can tell by the looks of it she's been stabbed.

Alex moves into the tiny room and grabs Jasmine's hand. She leans forward and throws her arm around

"Thank you, thank you so much Alex." She sobs. Alex slowly removes her arms from around him and looks her in the eyes.

"Do you know how to get us out of here?" He asks, completely ignoring her thanks. Jasmine nods her head eagerly and then stops, looking down.

She looks back up and said, "I think."


Five turns, one dead end, and two circle arounds.

It's been at least a half an hour and we've passed the same room twice.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" Alex asks impatiently for the third time. Jasmine just waves him off with her hand and keeps walking.

Finally, after what felt like ages, we came to a door that we haven't seen before. It looks like a two way door. We can see out of it, but I'm guessing no one can see in.

Jasmine yanks on the door only for it to stay right in its place. Locked.

Alex blows out an annoyed breath and puts his hands on top of his head. Think. Think. Think. .

I look around the hallway and I see nothing but pipes and more pipes. Maybe, I can break one off but I have no clue where the lead to or what they contain. It will have to be worth a shot if we want to get out of here.

"Guys, if I can break off a piece of this pipe lining then I could probably break the lock." Immediately without question they break into action. Kicking and pulling on the pipes to get them loose.

And at last, I give it one good kick and rejoice and the sound of metal clinking on the ground.

I quickly pick up my weapon of escape and go over to the door. I line up the end of the pip with the top of the lock and bring the pipe directly above my head and swing it down.


Once more.




And finally, the lock falls to the ground.

I grab Alex's hand and he grabs Jasmines. I push the door open and time seems to slow down. I feel like everything is happening in slow motion. We all run up the stairs and push through the last door.

Around us is a ton of rusty car parts and tires and fan belts. We're in a car garage. This whole time, we've been underneath the town.

I raise the garage door and pull Alex and Jasmine out behind me. I squint my eyes at the immediate sunlight that hits my face.

We're free.


Little bit of a longer chapter, I wasn't really planning for it to be this long but oh well.

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