"Darkness" (14)

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I feel icy cold fingers wrap around my wrist, sending shivers up my body, causing me to wake up. I expected to be laying next to Brett in his hospital room but I was laying in the ground in the middle of the dark; one single spotlight illuminating the space around me.


I heard foot steps in response. The loud gesture bounced around the empty space creating an echo.

"Tsk tsk tsk, little little Alex. So defenseless and small." A voice from the dark ahead of me boomed. I know this voice. It's the darkness. The voice inside my head.

"Darkness." I tried to sound as tough as I could but honestly I was shaking out of my skin right now. "But...how?"

"Oh it was easy," he stepped into the light and I finally saw what the bastard looked like. My dad. "All the beatings, all the drinking, the cussing...it was all me. Your dad was a great man; couldn't wait for you to arrive. And when you did he was the happiest man alive. He and your mother were so ecstatic to have you in their lives. They took you to zoo's, birthday parties, all the exciting places. Ant then one night, your mother and your father went to see a fortune teller. They figured it'd be something fun to waste their time on; you had just turned 3 years old." He takes a few minutes to walk away and pull up a chair out of no where. The room was still pitch black but he seemed to know it like the back of his hand.

"That's where I come in. The fortune teller told your father that a great danger would come of him and he'd change forever. Now, of course, your parents didn't believe this lady so they left. That night, while your father was sleeping, I snuck in and took over his body, putting his soul to sleep forever."

This is when I decide to chime in, "But why? Why me? Why was I chosen?"

He smiles a sickly smile at me, the one my "father" has been using for years on end. "You see Alex, it was just too easy. You were so defenseless and weak without your mommy there to protect you." He states.

My mouth is dry. My ears are ringing. I can't breathe but I manage to croak out one more question, "Where am I?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out dear boy." Then the light above him flickers and he's gone.



The bed feels awfully cold when I begin gaining my sight back from sleeping. My muscles feel achey like I've been drugged with some heavy sleeping sedative. When I turn my head, Alex isn't there at all. His shoes are laying on the bedside but he is no where to be found.

Instinctively, i start panicking. I mean, my boyfriend is missing and I know he would have left a note after the last time when he was gone. I press the nurses button and my nurse, Alison, walks in.

"Is everything alright Mr. Anderson?" She asks politely.

"Uh, no, not really." I say in a panicked voice. I start ripping the IV cords out of my arms and peeling the round, white, circles off of my chest.

"Mr. Anderson. You have to stay in bed rest, you're in critical condition." Alison grabs my arm and tries to pull me back to the bed.

I resist her hold easily and push past her to find some clothes to wear. She quickly presses the nurses button and other nurses come rushing in within a matter of 20 seconds.

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