"Be prepared, fairy, for a whole night of humiliation" (1)

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Just so you are all aware, there is a rewritten version of this book on my account that is not yet completed. I notice a lot of people adding this version and then commenting that they don't like it after the first chapter. Okay cool. So read the new one or just don't read either one at all! Thank you.


My name is Alex Davenport. I'm from Phoenix, Arizona and I'm sixteen years old. And..I'm gay.

My mother, had started working weird hours at her job after my third birthday. Ever since then my father has resorted to drinking and staying out late. I've also been abused since then. I can't tell anyone about it though. Because, one, no one will ever understand what I'm going through, and two, if I do and my father finds out..he'll hurt me. Bad. And it will get worse if he finds out that I bat for the other team. The abuse doesn't get bad unless I've messed up in some type of way.

I'm currently walking the halls of my school, thinking to myself, on my way to my locker. When I arrive at it, I notice an envelope attached to the front. An invitation. I rip it off and open it to reveal a card.

You're invited to Brett Anderson's big blowout party!

Tomorrow at 453 Denvue Ave @ 6:45

Be there!

Invited? To a party? This has never happened to me in my sixteen years of life. Then I feel warm breath fan over the back of my neck.

I turn around to see none other than Mack Seniston leaning against the locker next to me with one hand holding his weight up. Mack is my bully, per say, he has bullied me my whole life and he somehow thinks he can beat the gay out of me. Sorry bud, it doesn't work that way.

"You coming, fag?" His hot, minty breath fanned against my face and his deep voice vibrated in my ears.

No words came to my mouth so I silently nodded. He smiled and pushed himself off of the locker, backing away from me. "Be prepared, fairy, for a whole night of humiliation. See you there." He then turned back to his friends and started talking and laughing. I quickly opened my locker to grab my chemistry book then I slammed it shut and sped walked to my first class.

I'm definitely not looking forward to this party.


The rest of my morning classes were all a blur. It was now fourth period lunch and I was standing in the line waiting to get my favorite meal of the day; school cafeteria pizza. Except the pizza here comes with two pieces of pepperoni. Two pieces. The monsters.

As I got my slice of pizza, I notice something totally strange and out of order. Brett was sitting at my table, which I mind you is never occupied, and he seemed to be waiting for someone.

I sit there anyway, mostly because no one else would want me at their table, and as I sit down the loud squeak of the rusty chair gave away my presence, Brett looked up from his hands when he heard me and smiled. I awkwardly waved and smiled back. Weird.

Just then, Mack and Zander arrive at the table and sit on either side if me, sandwiching me in between them.

"Hey fag," says Mack, "how many cuts lately?" Mack and I used to be best friends. He knew that I was gay and depressed and that I cut my wrist and legs when I'm feeling down. About one and a half years ago Mack became good friends with Zander and they both used my sexuality against me since then.

"Leave me alone Mack." I retort. Usually I don't talk back to them, I just let them have their fun.

"Oh, lookie here, Zan, little, pathetic, Alex is finally standing up for himself," Mack says to Zander before turning back to me and grabbing me by the collar, "listen here fag, no one ever talks back to me, ever. You got me?" I nod quickly.

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