Chapter 2 : Best Friend Introduction

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A Best Friend is the one who doesn't get tired of listening to your pointless dramas again and again......

Chapter 2 : Best Friend Introduction

"Psst. Psst. Allie?" Kinsy whispered again.

"Kinz, I am trying to take down notes here. So, shut up!" I muttered, annoyed.

"Hey, why do you think he gave you that nickname?",she ignored me and continued," I mean do you think he would have noticed you? Oh wait! Eeep. If he noticed you, then he must've noticed me too 'cause i am there with you practically 24X7. Oh em gee! I knew I should've been putting more make up. And if he noticed you with your clothes like these-"

I glared at her.

"I mean you wear good clothes. No, scratch that, you wear awesome clothes. It's just tha-"

"Oh shut up Kinsy. Seriously? Can you just let me finish this day in peace and not gush over what happened earlier? They're just a bunch of losers," I said turning back to my writing. I mean for the past three periods, I have been listening Kinsy rant about Aaron, his good looks, his clothes, his six-pack abs, his nick name for me and god knows what all! And not to forget the glares I was receiving from the fellow females too. Oh God! It was just a stupid name he called me!

Ugh! Curse you Aaron!

She gasped loud. And when I say loud, it meant that the whole classroom heard it.

What proof do I have of that? Well, all the heads in the class snapped to us. And what did I do? Panic! Something everyone does when they get attention. Not.

My head started feeling a bit fuzzy. Not twice in one day, please. Nerves swallowed me as I felt the scrutinising gaze of people.

It wasn't that all of them were staring hard. I mean for all I knew some of them just glanced at me. But did it stop the nerves from going into a frenzy? No.

My legs began shaking slightly and I could barely look up.

"Is there a problem Ms. Bent?" Mr. Larry asked.

"Uh, n-no sir. I, uh, am s-sorry" I stuttered. It sounded as if someone had choked on their own spit.

With another glance, he resumed his lesson.

I could stand up to as many Shellys there could be, but attention? uh no thanks.

I heard some snickers from behind me. I turned around to see Shelly with a smirk plastered on her face. She flapped her arms like a duck and mouthed "chicken" which led everyone to break into laughs.

I ignored her, even though I was embarrassed to a height that crossed Mt. Everest.

I didn't choose to be like this. But if life gave you choices, wouldn't everyone be too perfect to themselves?

After some time, the bell rung and I rushed out of the class. I ran into the nearest washroom and took deep breaths. Kinsy rushed into the washroom too.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. Don't worry"

"By the way, he is NOT a loser," she huffed. It took me a minute to register what she was saying. Loser? Oh yeah, she was talking about what I had said about Aaron.

I rolled my eyes,"Yeah, whatever"


The rest of the school time was exhausting. I had continuous periods today since one of my teachers decided to take an extra class.

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