Chapter 25: It was Showtime

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This is for the lovely soccerlover_10 who made the banner for me. Thank you for your support. <3

Side by side or miles apart,
Best Friends are always close to the heart <3

Chapter 25: It Was Showtime

Do you know that feeling when you decide to do something but when the moment comes, you freeze so hard that you can put the ice at North Pole to shame.

It's at these moments when you stick to the ground like when a frozen spoon sticks to your tongue.

That's what happened to me the moment my name was called out.

I froze.

Would it have not been for my oh-so wonderful best friend Sam, I would've stayed like that for I don't know how long, resulting in more humiliation than tripping at Oscars.

So while I was busy trying to melt of the invisible ice that had me bound to the back stage while the anchor stood on the stage stupidly calling out my name again and again.

"ALI! Go. Now," Sam whisper yelled and pushed me on the stage.

When I finally tumbled onto the stage, only thing that came to my mind was 'thank God I didn't fall'.

Then when the realisation of me being on stage dawned upon me, the nerves inside my body decided that it was the perfect time to do the crazy tango.

"Go," I heard Sam yell and I staggered forward.

I could hear snickers from the crowd. It was going okay until someone from the crowd shouted-

"Hey, isn't that the girl from the posters?"

Dread crept up my body as everyone burst out laughing.

"She can sing? Doesn't look like it!"

"Hey, wanna show your undies again?"

"Get lost wannabe!"

I gulped before taking a step ahead, towards the mic.

The strange thing was that I didn't feel like crying at all. I was surprised at the fact that more than scared, I was tired.

Tired of letting everyone bullshit about me all the time.

So, feeling no more dreadful, I held the mic tightly in my hand and cleared my throat.

That silenced a bit of the audience.

Before I could speak, the tech guy called out for my name. I looked at him questioningly.

He gave me a sheepish smile before saying,"Hey, can you carry on your performance without the presentation for a while, there is some technical problem. We'll sort it out by the end of your performance. Promise."

I let out a worn out sigh, but nodded.

At least they were fixing the problem as soon as possible.

Returning my attention to the mic, I held it with slightly trembling hands. My hands weren't trembling because of the snickers that still persisted, but because of the nervousness of what I was about to do.

I hope Aaron could forgive me after this.

"Um, hi. I'm Alyssa Bent and uh, well I'm, uh, here to sing. That's something you all probably know," I spoke, quite lamely.

"So Alyssa, what's your theme?" One of the judges asked from the panel. He was a tall man around 40's, that is what I could tell from where I stood.

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