Chapter 22: Nothing At All

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Dedicated to JadenChiu for the beautiful cover <3 and @stavol for voting. Thanks a lot guys.

Love ya😘

Best Friends don't judge each other. They judge other people, Together...<3

Chapter 22: Nothing At All


That's what I felt right now.

I was in my room, under the warmth of my blankets. But then, why was it that I felt so cold?

I had been sent home after the fiasco in school. I don't know what happened after I came home.

Whether the posters were removed or were they still gracing the walls of Gradient High?

I refused to talk to anyone. Not even my parents who had come home right when they heard about me.

And I knew who told them.

Yes, I was mad at Aaron. But if you think that just because of my outburst in the washroom was responsible for this, you are wrong.

In fact I felt so guilty after I'd come home that I actually thought of calling him. And I did.

I called him and he picked up after the second ring.

This is how our conversation went.

"A-Ali? Oh my God. I'm so so sorry. I didn't know how this all happened. I-,"he was cut off by another sound.

I waited for him to return to the call, as the person whined in the background. I was pretty sure that it was Shelly.

"Ali? You there?" He said after a few seconds.

"Y-Yeah. I-uh wanted to-"

"Hold on. There's a lot of noise," he said putting the phone on hold.

The robotic voice of a lady informed me that Aaron had indeed put the phone on hold.

As the robotic female kept repeating the same thing , the feeling of guilt changed into that of annoyance.

Why does she have to repeatedly tell me that the call was on hold. I wasn't deaf the first time.

After five minutes, I was about to end the call when I heard Aaron's voice.

"Hello?," I called into the phone.

I was expecting him to answer back but what I wasn't expecting was shouting in the background.

"What is wrong with you?" A voice shouted, which I recognised as Aaron's.

"But baby, please, let's just forget about it and enjoy ourselves at Ryan's party. Remember the last two Fridays? That was so much fun and this one will be even better," I heard a whiny voice coo.

But I couldn't even muster up my usual expression of disgust because what she said had made me freeze on the spot.

The phone in my hand, long forgotten as I slid down the bedside and landed my butt on the floor.

Aaron had ditched me for parties.

I heard a voice coming through the speakers of my phone, maybe trying to call out to me, but I ignored.

Aaron had ditched me for parties.

That's what kept going on in my head. Here I was thinking that he had been really tied up in some important work which is why he kept missing our movie nights.

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