Chapter 23 : Getting Him Back

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Chase Williams' POV :

In my life I've never heard something that could make me more happy. There was indeed a way to save my son. Now that I think about it he was wearing the chain.

I quickly pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialed my friend Joseph's number.

"What are you doing ?," Natalia asked me confused.

"Do you have a way to track the chain ?," I asked instead.

"Well yes Talia has gone for the laptop and code, she'll insert the code into the laptop and we'll know in an hour where he is"

"An hour !!," I exclaimed "that's too long.... I have a better idea"

Just as I was about to share my idea with her Joseph answered the phone.


"Joseph, its Chase here"

"Hey Chase where have you been I've been controlling the company for a while now"

"I know I've been in the hospital, have amnesia stuffs like that but all that's not important, right now I need your help"

"Yeah sure man.... What do you need ?," he asked.

"I need you to track someone's location for me"

"Sure thing.... Who am I tracking ?"

"My son"

"You have a son ?!," he shouted surprised.

"Yeah I do now I need you to focus," I looked up as Talia entered the room "he has a tracking device on him I'm going to give you the code"

I signalled for Talia to give me the code.

"Here it is Joseph 4..8..0..6..L"

"4..8..0..6..L," he repeated after me. I could hear the keypads of the computer as he clicked away. Doing what he does best.

"Found him," he shrieked.

"Really where is he ?," I asked impatiently.

"You won't believe this but he's at Amber's house"

I bit the inside of jaw to keep in the curses that threatened to come out. That little bitch is so going to get it.

"Thanks a lot," I said to Joseph calmly just before I hung up.

"What just happened ?," Natalia asked nervously "did you find out where he is ?... What happened Chase ? Your scaring me !"

"I'm sorry," I said to her pulling her into my arms.

"What happened ?," she asked again.

"I know where he is," I spoke through gritted teeth as I tried to control the anger that rose in me when I remembered just who kidnapped my son.

"How and who's Joseph ?," she asked confused.

"Joseph's a old friend of mine, he topped his class at MIT... I knew he'd find him in record time"

"Well where is he ?"

"That bitch Amber has him," I growled out.

She gasped, stumbling back slightly a hand to her chest and she was breathing heavily.

"Are you okay ?," I asked her.

"I warned her," she gritted out "I warned that little bitch off my son"

"Don't worry," I spoke softly to her "I'll take care of it"

"I'm coming with you"

"I don't think.....," I was cut off by the glare she cast in my direction.

"Don't you dare even think of telling me to stay here"

I sighed deeply. I don't want her to get hurt but then again she is Luke's mother and she'd just follow me anyway.

"Okay," I sighed "you can come with but we'll need backup and I know just who to call"

Its time to get our son back.

Hey guys,
I'm sorry for the long wait. I've been busy studying for exams. I hope you like this chapter. There's only about 2 chapters left and then this book will be complete. Enjoy.
xoxo Bella

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