Chapter 20 : Kidnapped

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Natalia Walker's POV :

"You ready to go ?"

I looked over at Chase who was holding hands with Luke at the receptionist's desk. We had finally got out of Chase's hospital room and signed all the documents that we were given.

"Yeah we're ready"

"Let's go then," I grabbed onto Luke's free hand and pulled him along with us out the front of the hospital door. As expected the parking lot and the hospital steps were flooded with reporters and paparazzi. Luckily for us the bodyguards that Talia brought here were still here with some others making it easier for us to reach my car.

I pulled open the door for Chase first. Even though the doctors said he would be fine he still had bruises that would last a while and cause some pain. He smiled at me gratefully before slowly climbing into the passenger seat.

I waited until he was comfortable before I closed the door. I opened the back seat door and pulled Luke up and into the car seat.

"You okay ?," I asked him when I had finished strapping him in.

He smiled happily at me nodding his head "yes mommy, I'm okay....can I use my tablet ?"

"Sure sweetie," I replied to his question "here it is," I pulled the device out of my handbag and handed it to him.

I closed the door and pulled open the drivers side door. I climbed into the seat and closed the door. I glanced over at Chase to find him smiling at me, rolling my eyes I turned away from and put on my seatbelt. After doing that I put the key into the ignition starting the car. I pulled out of the parking lot with the bodyguards following close behind.

I pulled up in front of my house here half an hour later. Luke was fast asleep in his seat after playing many games on his tablet. I glanced over at Chase who was staring straight ahead with no ounce of emotion on his face. With a sigh I climbed out of the car and opened the backseat door. I could understand if Chase was upset with me because its really my fault. For the entire drive he tried to talk to me but I just kept on ignoring him and now that I actually feel like talking to him he cuts himself off from me.

Unstrapping Luke from his car seat I pulled him out of the seat and hoisted him up and into my arms. I didn't bother to take out my handbag since I already had my phone in my pocket and I could easily come back for it after placing Luke in his bed. I walked around the back of the car just in time to see Chase exiting the car. He slammed the door shut making me jump, startled by his actions.

"What's the matter with you ?," I asked him "you frightened me"

"I'm sorry," he apologised sincerely "I didn't mean to"

I sighed looking at him "it's fine.... Just try not to do it, okay ?"

"I wont ," he promised.

With one final smile in his direction I walked away from him and climbed the steps to the front door. I mentally cursed when I remembered that the keys were in my pocket, my front pocket of my jeans. There was no way I would be able to take out the keys and hold Luke at the same time and Chase definitely couldn't hold Luke because of his healing bruises.

"Shit," I cursed softly.

"What's wrong ?," Chase asked obviously hearing what I said.

"Well....," i muttered a not flustered by what I was about to ask him.

"What is it ?," hr asked concerned "and why are you so flushed ?"

"Oh....its just that....well...."


"The keys are in my front pocket and since I'm holding Luke you'll have to take them out"

"Oh !," he smirked at me "I'll do it Natalia"

I held my breath as he leaned forward and extended his hand to me. I was barely breathing when he dug his hand into my jeans pocket, wiggling his fingers around to locate the keys. I kept my eyes locked with his as he pulled out the keys and held them in his hand. He didn't look away and I kept on staring cause for some reason I just couldn't look away.

"Why are you staring at me ?," I asked him shyly.

"Cause you're beautiful," he whispered in return.

I blushed turning away from him "open the door please"

He sighed opening the door, allowing me to walk inside ahead of him.

"Welcome to my humble abode, feel free and make yourself comfortable"

"Yeah okay"

I climbed the stairs and opened the door to Luke's bedroom. I placed him on the bed and slowly took off his shoes so as to not wake him. He stirred a little but thankfully he didn't wake up. After placing a kiss on his forehead I left his room and went back down the stairs to find Chase fast asleep on the couch. I didn't bother to wake him since he looked so peaceful.

I walked into the kitchen to find something to cook for lunch but when I opened the cupboards they were empty.

"Damn it.... I forgot to go shopping"

I quickly went into the living room and wrote a note letting Chase know that I was going to the grocery store.

I placed the note beside him and headed for the door. Ten minutes later I was at the nearest grocery store with two bodyguards accompanying me.

I was just about to go pay for all the grocery when Damon, the chief of security, ran to me with a terrified look on his face.

"What happened ?," I asked him concerned.

My heart skipped a beat at his answer "Luke has been kidnapped"


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Sorry for the long wait. I hope you like this chapter.
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