Chapter 29

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His eyes widened when he saw I was already awake.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a hushed whisper, to avoid waking the others. "I came to see you." he said nervously.

"What, to see me sleep?"

"Uh, no." he shook his head. "Of course not. I want to show you something. Will you come?" I tilted my head to the side, considering. Nothing to lose. "Okay." I nodded and jumped out of bed. "So where are we going?"

"Come on."

Arden led me up a staircase I hadn't gone on before, and we ended up on the roof. It was a beautiful location, because just above us there was a gap in the trees, and we could clearly see all the stars in the bright sky.

We sat in silence. I, for one, was unsure as to what to say. Especially with a seventeen-year-old (and quite handsome) boy sitting so close to me our arms were touching.

He broke the silence finally. " are you liking living with us so far?" "Are you kidding?" I said, facing him. "It's amazing. You're family is so...loving, and living with the rebels is inspiring, especially the part about controlling the Forest, it's something that's never been done before."

"Well, thanks, uh...Elvina." He said awkwardly. "But if it helps, it's not like controlling the Forest, it's more like...I don't know how to explain...moving with it. Like the Forest and you want the same things, and the Forest helps you."

"That could help." I said. "What's that?" he said suddenly, pointing to something on my neck. "What?" I asked him,  turning my head, though I (obviously) couldn't see what was there.

"This." he whispered, glancing at me once, as if for permission, and putting his hand on my neck. He traced a curvy line with his finger, leaving goosebumps rippling across my skin, until those goosebumps turned to shivers when I realized what he was talking about.

It was a scar.

From a time when Ivy's whip had gone a bit higher than she normally aimed. "Uh, it's nothing." I said evasively. "It's something, Elvina." "It's a scar." "From what?" he pursued.

I sighed, wishing he wouldn't keep asking. I didn't want to talk about it. "What is it, Elvina?" he repeated, when I remained silent. "Uh...punishment." I said hastily, as if talking quickly would help to get it over with.

"Punishment?" He said, confused. "Oh...wait, you don't mean-" "Yes, that's what I mean."

We were silent for a moment, until he slid his arm around my shoulders protectively. "We'll figure it out." "Thanks, Arden." I put my head on his shoulder.

He started showing me all the constellations the stars made, which was new to me. We leaned more and more on each other, and soon his head was on mine. I watched his hand point to the stars, and smiled as he talked about their tales animatedly.

When we both realized it was very late, he turned his head to mine, and we were so close.

Sharing the same breath for a moment, his beautiful eyes searched mine, and he leaned in and, stopping just short of my lips, pressed his lips onto my jaw, and stood up.

He smiled at me and walked back into his house.

I smiled to myself, touching the warm spot on my jaw.

Happy birthday to me.

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