Chapter 23

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I froze.

"W-what?" I managed to stammer finally. He stopped, realizing I wasn't following him. "Princess. You need to come." "I-I-I'm not coming with a rebel!" "Princess. It is imperative you come with us."

I crossed my arms and stood up taller. "There's no guarantee you won't harm me." "Princess, you are in a dangerous place, surrounded by dangerous people. You must come."

I didn't respond.

He sighed. "You have my word that no harm will befall you, Princess. I swear on Nalvia."

Someone had just broken a Nalvia promise to me. I didn't have many hopes here. On the other hand, he didn't seem threatening- aside from the way he had fought Ivy, and I didn't feel like he would hurt me. I also didn't have any other choice. Well, aside from running away into the Forest.

I considered my options.

Staying at the palace meant certain death. Running away into the Forest, given that I had no idea how to provide for myself, was probably death too. Going with this man seemed like the best choice. 

"What's your name?" I called.

"Birch. Birch Poplar." he shouted back. "Now come, Princess." he turned around and continued running, so of course I followed.

After barely ten minutes, I started wheezing, so Birch came back. "What happened?" "Can'" He sighed. "We'll walk then." he said resignedly.

But we hadn't walked two minutes when he stopped abruptly. "What?" I asked, turning back. "I have a better idea." he said. "What do you mean?" He grinned at me. "You might feel slightly nauseous. Don't worry. It'll pass." "What do you mea-"

Before I could finish my sentence, he snapped his fingers and vines grabbed both of us, and I lost sight of him. They pulled me into...well, if I wasn't mistaken, a tree. It was a blur. I caught a sight of woody trunks as I felt myself being flung rapidly by vines. I closed my eyes, getting dizzy.

I was flung one last time, and felt myself hitting on the hard ground. I groaned as the world spun around me. Once my legs were steady enough for me to stand, I got up.

Birch was standing some distance away from me, at the door of a house. We were in a sort-of-neighborhood, rows of houses facing each other, but far from each other at the same time. I the distance I could just make out some tents. We appeared to be in a deserted area of the Forest.

"What is this place?" I asked Birch. "The rebel camp." he said, tapping the door. I knew I shouldn't have been surprised- he was a rebel- but I was startled that he would show me the location without any proof that he could really trust me.

Then again, being the almost-murdered daughter of the current Queen was perhaps proof enough.

The door swung open at his touch, and, glancing back at me, he went in. Taking this as an invitation, I followed.

The house was cozy-looking, with a fireplace burning a sofas arranged around it. I didn't get much time to admire it, though, when someone walked in.

It was the brown-haired, green-eyed rebel boy from the palace. And his right cheek was unnaturally red.

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