Chapter 25

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I woke up to clattering noises.

I looked around at the strange room, seeing a dresser in front of my bed, and a cupboard to the left, but not much else. I blinked rapidly, confused for a moment before I remembered where I was.

I was in the rebel camp. In Birch's house. And it was- oh, Nalvia. I bolted straight upright.

It was my sixteenth birthday.

My sixteenth birthday. A day I'd never thought I would live to see. And a day none of my sisters had ever had. Strange, really. That I out of all my sisters would get to experience this day.

I heard the sound of something falling.

I clambered out of bed, stopped to fix my hair, and walked out.

To the other side of the living room was their kitchen. I looked over and saw Birch picking up a pan from the ground. "Birch?"

He turned around. "Oh, you're up, Prin- Elvina."

I grinned.

"I'm dead clumsy. Keep dropping things." he said, gesturing to the pan in his hand. I nodded. Suddenly we heard the sound of a door opening, and a minute later, a woman walked in. "Birch, did you drop something again?" she sighed.

"Of course not." Birch said, hiding the pan behind himself.

The lady shook her head, laughing. She had long, dark brown hair and wise almond-shaped, gray-green eyes. "Ah, let me introduce you." Birch said. "Grove, Elvina. Elvina, this is my wife, Grove." "Hello, Princess." Grove smiled. "Not Princess, please. Just Elvina." I said.

Grove nodded. Then she suddenly turned back to Birch. "Mister Poplar, please don't pretend you didn't drop that." He had discreetly backed away to the counter to put the pan back. "Well, Mrs. Poplar, you're too wise for me." he said, sighing. Grove laughed again, and walked around to kiss Birch. "Well, you're lucky you didn't wake anyone else up." she said, eyes twinkling, hands on her hips.

"Yes, ma'am." Birch said, saluting. Grove laughed and shook her head again, grabbing the pan and shooing him out of the kitchen.

A door opened and closed again, and a boy walked in.

It wasn't Aiden, though he looked very much like him. He had the same dark green eyes and features, but his hair was a few shades lighter than Aiden's. "Good morning, Dad. Good morning, Mother." he said, albeit with a yawn, dropping a kiss on his mother's cheek. "Elvina, this is my other son, Arden." Birch introduced.

"Hello, Princess." he nodded. "Hello, and please, not Princess. Just Elvina." I said. I was getting really tired of saying that. "Alright, Elvina." he smiled.

He was quite handsome.

I coughed and turned away. "So, what do you want for breakfast?" Grove asked. "Food." Birch said immediately. "Something sweet." Arden added. Grove rolled her eyes affectionately at both of them. "You could've specified. Anyways, I wasn't even asking you. What do you want, dearie?" she asked, turning to me.

"Um, I'm fine with anything." I said, shrugging.

"I'm sure she'll back me up. So to specify, I'd prefer...honey cakes." Birch said as soon as I'd finished speaking. As we laughed, I realized somewhat wistfully that I hadn't been at the Poplars' house for a day, but they'd made me feel like a part of their family already.

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