Ichi | Welcome Home

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"Now arriving at Kyushu, Hasetsu Station." The guide announces, as the train slows down to a stop, having (Y/n) nudge Yuri from his daydream. Taking out the earbuds, she sighs knowing that she can't listen to music every second of the day, although she would love that. Yuri stands up from the seat and starts heading off the train with her following right beside him, placing her earbuds in a case, and stuffing it in her pocket. Pulling down her hoodie from her face, she takes off her jacket and ties it around her waist. Wearing only a (f/c) tank top that brings out her eyes, and black pants along with (f/c) sneakers.

Stepping onto the escalator, they descend down to the first floor and see poster of Yuri on the wall. He becomes shocked, stuttering, "Th-This i-is..!"


A familiar voice shouts from behind the both of them, only to have Yuri panic. (Y/n) sighs at his actions and slightly smiles, seeing the energy back in him. I place a hand on his shoulder and turn him around so he could face Minako-san.

"Why are you sulking around?" She asks, looking straight at him not acknowledging (Y/n).

She sighs and lets the two talk, knowing that she'll soon notice her. Ever since she was little, no one noticed her in elementary or middle school until high school which turned out to be absolute hell for her. Everyone started to make fun of her wanting to be a figure skater that would want to be known world-wide. They would start off slowly breaking her down, one by one. First they would call her names, play awful pranks, laugh and point, blame it on her. Until one day, everyone started to abuse her verbally and physically, even though she wanted the pain to stop, it wouldn't. So she endured it, no matter what the condition is. She didn't cut, since it would worry her new family and brother that she loves dearly. Plus the thought of doing that, she knew that it would hurt and didn't want to harm herself.

"(Y/n)! It's so nice to see you again! How are you? Did you find a boyfriend?" Minako asks her, making her snap out of her daydream and smile. She shakes her head from side to side from the second question, knowing that she'll never get a boyfriend.

"I'm good, we should head back home though. I need to be alone for a bit to get my thoughts straight," She tells Minako and she nods, taking Yuri's hand in hers and skips to their home with (Y/n) following right behind.


"If I could only have the chance to skate with you," (Y/n) says, admiring her idol, Victor Nikiforov. She has always wanted to skate on the same ice as him. Wanting to talk with him and become friends slowly. Even though she knows for a fact that he might not even know her. Saddened by the thought she reaches over to the other side of the bed and grabs her phone, turning it on. Unlocking the phone, she taps on the news app to see what her idol is doing, to see if he's posted a picture on Instagram, to try and get the thought off her mind. Nothing.

"(Y/n)-chan? Do you wanna go to the skate rink and show Yuko our choreography?" Yuri asks, on the other side of the door in a soft tone, knowing that she would want that rather than staying in her room bored without anything to do.

"Yep! Let me get my skates first, I'll be right behind you!" She chimes with happiness, excited to finally perform Victor's performance that they have admired for years, trying hard to get the timing and lands right. Jumping out of bed, she opens her suitcase and pulls out her (f/c) skates with glittering fabric on the sides. Standing up, she slams her door open and skips downstairs with a smile on her lips as she runs full speed to the rink seeing Yuri on his way there also. She caught up easily to him, seeing him much more slower due to gaining weight easily. Looking over at him he shouts, "What? I couldn't help that I was hungry!"

"You could have controlled it, but at least you could still skate!" She says to him, receiving a buzz from her phone in the back pocket of her pants. Swiftly taking out her phone, she could see that Plisetsky is calling her for an odd reason. He only calls if he needs something important and that was only during the championships, where they met.

"Whatcha' want baka?" She asks as she continues to jog, hoping that she'll have time to skate freely before doing the small performance with Yuri. She could tell that Plisetsky is holding back from yelling into the speaker, the occasional shouts and blades hitting ice is heard in the background, letting her know that he couldn't shout at her due to his coach, Yakov.

"Can you compete this year at the Men's skating program? I wanna beat you this time!" He says, with complete confidence in his voice. He knows that she has skated in the Women's program and winning one gold medal along with a silver. Although when she first competed in the Men's program for the first time, she won gold with Plisetsky in silver which he was behind by just two points.

"If I do compete... Will you cheer for me unlike all the other times?" She asks him with a teasing manner, getting close to Ice Castle, looking over her shoulder she could see her brother trying to catch up to her and she smiles. Dashing towards the door of Ice Castle, she sees Yuko putting up the skates on the shelves.

"Ice Castle is closed for now until we open back up in the morning." She says, as (Y/n) claps her hands together making a loud sound making Yuko flinch from the sudden noise, turning around to see who did that only to find (Y/n) standing there with her phone held up against her ear and the bright smile on her lips.

"Hold on dumbass," She tells Plisetsky in a stern voice, and trudges over to her childhood friend.

"Hey, Yuko. Is it okay for me to skate until Yuri catches up?" She asks her, placing the phone to her chest, making sure he doesn't listen to the small conversation that they were having. Her eye brighten up with happiness seeing her friend back from the five years she was away.

"Of course!" Yuko chimes, with a smile, placing the skates on the shelf, staying at the counter to wait on Yuri.

(Y/n) places the phone back to her ear and trudges into the room that holds the ice rink, tightening her grip on her skates, refusing the memories to resurface.

"Yes, you idiot! I just want to beat you!" Plisetsky shouts, as she sits down, slipping her shoes off, placing them on the side of the bench.

"Okay! You don't have to shout ya know? I'm gonna skate, so don't ruin my flow. Bye," She tells him, ending the call. Slipping the skates on her feet, she ties the laces together.

Pulling out the case that holds her earbuds, she unzips the case and places each bud in her ear, and plugs the end into her phone. Having the screen show the different kinds of music and songs she has.

With her phone in hand, she trudges onto the ice and skates to the middle of the rink, scrolling down the songs in her phone. One song caught her eye, Say Goodbye by Krewella.

Word Count - 1303

『See you in the next chapter』

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

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