24. The guilt of hurting her

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Sanskar: Swara is innocent.
Laksh (shocked): What? How did you know that?

Sanskar heard him and get confused. He slightly turned around and said: What do you mean Laksh?

Laksh (stammered): um..uh, No... nothing. It... it's.. j..just that till now, you didn't want to agree and believe that Swara is innocent.

Sanskar was still confused byt he way he was saying but said: I know Laksh but...

Laksh: but...?(Looking at him)

Sanskar: (sighs) I don't know Laksh but today my heart felt that I was wrong. I was wrong today and may be two years back too. I judged her on the basis of what Kavita said. You were right lucky. I didn't know her before. The girl who can love her step son more than anything else and that too my son, who insulated, accused her and her family. She should have hate me for what I did to her but I never saw any hatred for me in her eyes. I always had doubt on her that she love Arshit or not? May be she also knows it but she never tried to prove herself and she was innocent that day also still she didn't try to justify herself. That's the only thing confusing me. But I m sure now she is not behind all that there must be someone else.

Laksh: And why you did you realize it suddenly? You were not ready to listen anything when I told you that Swara must be innocent. She is not behind all that.

Sanskar: I know Laksh. I was not ready to listen anything that time because I didn't know her then but now... May be I started to know her. Its not sudden Laksh. When you said that she is innocent. My mind was not ready to accept it but somewhere my heart accepted it. I had to accept it because it was not only you. Maa also told the same thing and then yesterday at baadi, Shomi maa also said the same. Everyone cannot be wrong about one thing.

Laksh: What did she tell you? (Scared a bit thinking if he knows the truth?)

Sanskar: Nothing much but it just slipped out from her mouth that..

Laksh: That...

Sanskar: "Swara had accepted the false allegations I put on her" but why are u sweating? (Looking at him suspiciously)

Laksh: uh.. nothing. Just feeling hot.

Sanskar: Laksh, think before you speak. AC is on and you are feeling hot?

He looked at him intently then continued

Sanskar: Wait! Did you know that? I know you had belief on Swara but you were not sure about who did it. right?

Laksh (closed his eyes): Yes, I knew that.

Sanskar: Do you know who was behind it?

Laksh was about to deny but Sanskar interrupt: Not again!! I m having enough of your lies. I know you know it Laksh!!

Laksh didn't know what to do. One side he had promised Swara and other side Sanskar who was going to kill him.

Sanskar: Say it Laksh.

Laksh: Yes, I knew that Swara is innocent and who was behind it. ( Said in one breathe)

Sanskar: Who??

Laksh: Act... Actually when Swara was in college, there was a guy name Amit. He loved Swara but Swara never loved him. He proposed her but Swara didn't accept. Swara always wanted to marry with her  and her family's choice and she didn't love him also. Above all that, she thought about her problem that is unable to speak. She never wanted him to destroy his life for her. So, she refused him. Amit was sad but he never lost his hopes. He continuously asked Swara again and again but she refused him everytime and tell him to move on. But in all this, there was a girl Smita. She loved Amit...

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