Entry 6: I'd Bet My Life On It

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"A bet?" your twitched your eyebrows, intrigued instantly by Ghostface's words, "What kind of bet?"

You'd been sitting on the old antique couch in the lounge, reading your much adored favorite book. The day had gone by quickly, and you were left alone with nothing really to do. Despite the interesting world the book presented for you, you couldn't help but lean closer towards the gossiping dynamic duo, JD and Ghostface. They'd both snuck into the lounge moments earlier, whispering secretly towards each other. Now the book you were going to read laid flailed against your chest, as you tried to listen intently.

"Same old same old," JD's voice sailed like bird flying elegantly over rough waters, "Y'know what I mean." There was no response from Ghostface, much to your dismay. You sat patiently on the couch, hoping they hadn't caught onto your spying. Still no response.

You couldn't stop yourself, "What do you mean?" You widened your eyes innocently, snapping the attention of the two boys. They looked at you quickly for brief second, before turning to each other. JD had an ominous frown plastered against his face as he scowled at you. "Dammit, Y/N," he groaned, slouching back against the couch, "How come we never see you?"

"Guess it's just a talent?" you scrunched your nose, "But seriously, what do you mean? What bet?"

Both boys were inexorable about giving up their response, their gazes floating around the room. You grimaced, still awaiting a response. When Ghostface realized you were just as tenacious as them, he spoke up, "Just a bet."

"To quote you, what kind of bet?"

"It's ruined away, we might as well tell them," Ghostface growled to JD, before turning to you, "Do you promise you won't tell the others about this?"

You grinned with ecstasy, "Of course."

With a mild sigh Ghostface leaned closer to you, brushing back his floppy brown hair. He leaned in to whisper to you, and you awaited whatever deep secret that was about to be bestowed upon you. Your ears were ready, your lips were not.

You weren't really sure what happened.

One minute you were there, eagerly awaiting an explanation. The next minute, soft lips were pressed against your own shocked ones for a good three minutes before Ghostface pulled away rather harshly. Your heart froze in place, as your hand went towards your mouth. Ghostface similarly brought his hand up, but only whipped away furiously at his own lips. JD, through this entire event, had a disposable camera ready and was hollering back in laughter the entire time.

It took the three of you a few minutes each to recover, you from shock, Ghostface from contempt, and JD from laughter. The boy was still bursting in fits of giggles as he chuckled to his friend, "All.... all right... didn't think you'd... actually.... HA!" Ghostface rolled his eyes.

You, like him, were not amused, "What just happened?"

This only caused JD to continue his giggle streak. You looked to Ghostface, whose hickory brown eyes refused to meet yours. You noticed a slight blush spread across his face, as he kept his gaze low. You repeated yourself, "What. Just. Happened?"

At long last JD regained a stable composure, with tiny hiccups of laughs bursting here and there. He smiled at you, wiping away at the tears under his eyes. "Sorry Y/N," he howled, "You were the victim this time."

"What?" you scrunched your nose furiously.

Ghostface briefly looked up, "Yeah... sorry if that was awkward-"

"Awkward doesn't begin to describe it," you said plainly, "What just happened?"

"It- it was the bet we were talking about," Ghostface tried to explain, "Whenever JD and I get bored at this stupid place we put bets against each other. You finally got used enough to us that JD used you in mine. Sorry."

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