Entry 4: My Movie Is Better Than Yours

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You were having a lazy Saturday. That was really the only way to describe it. The day had seemed to just drag on and on continuously, nothing of interest ever really happening. The vampires had invited you out for dinner, but you were quick to decline their offer. Even that, you mused now, would have been better then sitting alone in the lobby bored out of your mind. To make it better, this was the one day your boss had provided you with off of work. Hooray.

You looked around the room, desperate for fun, but found everyone was having just as boring of a night as you were. Dr. Lecter sat across the lobby from you, reading some single colored book. Usually this was something he enjoyed in his free time, but you could clearly see the look of utter boredom spread across his face. Jason and Freddy had each left to go sit in the lounge. You assumed this didn't go well after Jason came storming back out in a silent rage. Now he stood alone, and silently tapped his foot in annoyance. Meanwhile, JD, Ghostface, and Michael were discussing something you couldn't quite make out. You thought about joining them, but from what you could hear it sounded like Ghostface was doing most of the talking. You groaned, grabbing your phone to scroll through some lame app once more. There had to be something to do tonight, right? You were living with a bunch of infamous horror movie villains. Perhaps you could-

You paused, and set your phone down against the couch. Slowly you sat up, and bit your lip in confusion. That had always bugged you ever since you moved in. The fact that these people were real. Maybe that was why you'd been so scared, but that didn't matter anymore. Still, it's been a question that lingered on your mind. You didn't have anything better to do, maybe now was the time to ask.

"Hey Ghostface," you called, looking over to him. He had still been talking to Michael and JD, and paused when you called his name. JD and Michael both didn't seem to care, and you swore you heard Michael sigh in relief. "Can I ask you a question?"

Ghostface grinned, walking over to you, "Sure, Y/N. Lay it on me."

"You're a horror movie fanatic right?" you scrunched your nose, trying to put your train of thought together, "Like that's why you got into all of this. You loved horror movies, right?"

"Well duh," Ghostface beamed wildly, "I'm probably the biggest fan of all time!"

"Okay..." you nodded, and furrowed your eyebrows, "So... okay so are horror movies real then? Like you guys are all real... Or have I just been in a coma this whole time and this is what my self conscience created for me?"

Ghostface chuckled, shaking his floppy brown hair, "Hah! Duh, Y/N. What kinda question is that? Those movies are more like documentaries. Based on what we do. You get what I mean?"

You very slowly shook your head, processing it all together, "So... okay. So they're like the based on a true story thing?"

"Yeah," he smiled, "Of course they don't actually put that on there all the time because people might get scared."

"Okay," you said sluggishly, "That makes sense. It's just a question I've been meaning to ask." Ghostface gave you the smile of child, cheeks puffed out and glad he could help. You looked into his deep brown eyes. A brilliant idea flashed across your mind. "Hey!" you yelled, motioning everyone over, "Why don't we have a movie night!"

Everyone briefly stopped whatever they had been doing, which wasn't much. They all oafishly stood still, waiting for someone other then themselves to speak. You waited for a response, nothing. What had been so taboo about a movie night?

"Aw come on!" you squealed, standing up from the couch, "It could be fun! None of us have anything better to do..."

"I hate to disappoint," JD was the only one who spoke up, and took a step towards you, "But the last time we tried that LBM almost kicked us all outta the hotel."

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