Entry 5: Never Have I Ever

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QUICK A/N: I am going to be taking some liberties here, as the author, so if you don't agree with certain things I'm sorry but I had to have the story pan out somehow. I just thought this would be a fun chapter to write, lots of fluff.


LBM's booming voice was enough to send you flailing off your bed. The book you had previously been reading was now sailing through the air, before it hit the back wall with a large thud. You blinked, a tad bit confused. As you went to stand up and dust yourself off, another voice echoed in response.


You walked over over to the door, pressing your ear against it. Silence. Though the voices were muffled, you could hear the shouting crystal clear. Was something going on you weren't aware about? Should you join them? Did you want to?

You sighed, if there was something interesting going on you'd certainly want to be there. You hadn't been doing much anyways (and now your book lay at the other side of the room, your place already lost). It wouldn't hurt to see who had been disturbing the silence.

With a slight groan you made your way outside your room, trudging over to the elevator.

You gaped at the sight in front of you. Eight people sat around the dining room table, seven you recognized one you did not. Everyone had their hands up, as if playing a game of some sort. Your eyes wandered in between them all individually, trying to grasp what was going on.

LBM, who'd been the source of all the yelling, sat furious in the corner. Steam was practically pouring out of her ears as she held up two fingers in the air. Meanwhile, a quiescent Hannibal Lecter sat across from her, three fingers up as well. Your gaze shifted slowly over to Michael, stoic as ever with three fingers, and Jason, similarly stoic with four. Freddy sat back in his chair, a wild smirk on his face as he held up one hand and his claw to make up two fingers. That left an excited Ghostie, who similarly to Freddy was relaxing back with three, and a fiore JD, who held up only four. And, of course, there was the boy whom you didn't recognize, nine fingers up as well.

The eight jumped at your sudden appearance, rather shocked that you'd found them. Everyone turned to watch you, awkwardly waiting, all accept LBM who held a hard glare with JD.

"Ummm," you struggled to find your voice as the others became aware of your presence, "Hey guys... Am I interrupting anything?"

"Of course not, dear Y/N," Hannibal replied politely. He sat up straight in his chair, "We were just playing a childish game. I hope we weren't bothering you."

"No of course not," you conceived a quick lie, "I came down for a late snack..."

"Bullshit!" Freddy threw his head back in laughter, "LBM's yelling got you, didn't it?"

Heat rose towards your cheeks, you blushed uncontrollably. Despite the mention of her name, LBM continued to remain silent. That was, until, Ghostface coughed in hopes of alerting her. Finally she snapped out of her staring contest with JD, blinking a couple times before looking over to you.

"Oh... Y/N!" she mumbled, shaking her head, "I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

"Uh no... I was reading..."

"I'm sorry," she tried to smile, "I'm not used to anyone really going to sleep in this house..."

"It's fine it's fine," you interjected, raising your hands. She nodded, and shot one more glare at JD who bashed innocently. You began to walk towards the kitchen, trying to stick with your original alby and let them continue whatever they were doing. That was, until, you passed by the unknown stranger.

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