Chapter 1

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When Zyta Baratheon was born, all the 7 kingdoms cerebrated. King Baratheon gave food to all the people in flea bottom, making sure they knew that a princess was born. Making sure that they realize a heir has been born.

Most people would think that Robert Baratheon would be mad about having his first child be a little girl but he wasn't. As soon as she came out of Cersei, he took her into his arms and held her. Promised her that he would always protect her. Promised she will get to marry the man that she loved, no matter who they might be.

When Joffrey was born, Robert didn't come in to see Cersei at all. Instead he spent time with his two year old daughter, telling her stories about his rebellion and stories about his true love Lyanna. Telling her stories about her Uncle Ned Stark and how much she would love him.

But as time passed and Cersei had Mrycella and Tommen, he showed no interest with playing with them or interacting with them. But Zyta, he would always make time for her.

When Zyta woke up in the mornings, she would go to her parents room and wake them up. Cersei would laugh as she jumped on their bed and her long hair would bounce. And Robert would smile, a genuine smile, at his little girl. The mornings when Zyta wouldn't wake them up, Robert got up with a nervousness in his stomach, wondering if anything happened. When Joffrey did it, Cersei laughed but Robert just turned over onto his stomach or told him to get out.

For the longest time Cersei thought he knew of Joffrey, Tommen, and Mrycella's real father but he never brought it up. Cersei knew however that the difference between her first child and the other three were remarkable.

Zyta had the raven colored hair, long and thick, and a little curly like her fathers. She had the Baratheon blue eyes. She was sweet and kind to everyone she meet, weather they be from flea bottom or they were a lord.

The other three had the Lannister blonde hair and green eyes. Cersei knew who the father was to all her four kids and she knew one was legitimate and the rightful heir to the throne.

And that was Zyta Baratheon.

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