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It was Saturday, Sia was with Mark, and Gregory had essential things to see with Wendon. Both men left for London early that morning. Xenia was alone and decided she wouldn't sit listening to her Saturday Blues Ballads. After a few calls, she was off to see her sisters.

"Xenia," Gloria yelled, hugging her, "it's been an eternity."


Gloria looked at Xenia from top to bottom.

"Where's the wig?"

"I'm giving my hair some vacation."

"Good," Gloria said with a smile.

Gloria went natural when she was in high school, and she could. Gloria had beautiful defined 3C curls, as YouTubers called them. And she looked like the French look-alike of Corinne Baily Rae.

Quiet on other subjects. No one touched or dissed her roots. Gloria was an activist for natural hair, fairtrade, the black and minority communities, which she supported, and more.

The get-together's host laid the snacks down on the table. It felt like the good old days, where they would cornrow each other's hair and paint each other's nails.

"So, who is it?" Gloria asked, popping a few peanuts in her mouth.


"Who's the guy? Louise told me."

"A colleague."

Xenia wasn't sure about whether she should reveal everything about Gregory, but something told her she wouldn't have the choice.

"Gloria, I swear the man has mad blue eyes, or was it green," Louise added before Xenia could say something.

"What is he?"

Gloria was playing the police in their mother's stead; it had always been Ann-Catherin's eyes and ears.

"English," Xenia replied slyly, awaiting the flood of judgment.

"Still globetrotting, I see. I remember your first boyfriend, the Korean guy. Where was he from again?"

"Andrew was an exchange student from New York," Xenia said, recalling the last time she was him. Talking about him still made butterflies fly in her stomach. It's not that she regretted it, but she would have wished another outcome to their story.

"What's this? No one has ever told me about this," Louise said.

"You were too young; Xe was in 1st year of college, or was it 2nd?"


"I still see your face when you ran to me yelling, Gloria, mom's going to kill me, I had sex."

Louise burst out of laughter, "that is so you, Xenia."

"Shut up, you brat."

"I thought you would help me, Gloria. I mean, you are six years older than me. I figured you had done it."

"I was so jealous back then to think that my little sister had sex before me."

"No, seriously, Gloria, you really waited to be married to have sex?" Louise asked in shock.

"Yep, she did," Xenia confirmed.

"Wow, that means you had sex for the first time four years ago. You were 32-years-old, oh my God," laughed the medical student. "I beat all your arses."

Xenia and Gloria stared at the 20-year-old with eyes of suspicion.

"How old were you?" Gloria asked.

"Eh, 19."

"Stop lying," said Xenia tickling her.

It was to her that Louise ran to in panic when she first intercourse with the same mom-is-going-to-kill-me sentence.

Xenia didn't judge; sex was part of life. What mattered was that both parties were in for the ride, and they were protected.

And so she played the big sister who didn't scold but advised, there was no point in shaming Louise at the time. It wouldn't bring any enlightenment on the situation.

"Okay, I was 16."

Gloria shook her head, "wow, kids these days.

"Anyway, Xenia, is it serious with l'Anglais?"

"I don't know, daily were opposites at work, but when I'm alone with him, he is so different, and Sia is so fond of him already. For the moment, it just feels good to know someone desires me and having someone to share moments with."

"Xenia, keep your feet on the ground. You have a daughter you can'tㅡ."

"I know, Gloria, I know, but for once, I wish I could just be a woman."

These remarks were the reason Xenia hated family meetings where her decisions and life were reviewed.

"Geez, you and mom are the same let, Xenia live a little. Let her have fun. She isn't just a mother; she's a woman who can have sex for fun," Louise said.


"No, seriously, even if he isn't the friggin one, who cares? Live it up, Xe."

Xenia wanted to hug her younger sister, it wasn't that her point of view was crucial, but it was nice to think her actions weren't a bible sin.

"I mean, Xe, you're having fun. The leg-overs sessions are good, right?"

Xenia thought about sex with Gregory. It was fun, it was good, and more. She smiled as the kinky thoughts started to nae-nae in her mind.

"See," Louise said, pointing at her grin.

"Oh, Xenia, knock it off. You look like a psycho in bliss," Gloria said.

"By the way, Xe, I didn't know you were that type of girl. You could have told me you were keeping him for yourself. Bibi would go crazy if she met him, she'd devour him with her eyes."

"No, Louise, it wasn't like that, and please, don't tell Bibi. How is she, by the way?"

"She has finally found her vocation. Bibi wants to be a flight attendant."

"Great, that's good news."

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