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"Hi, Mark."


Things changed with the year's old grudges seemed to fade. Mark and Xenia reached a form of consensus. They no longer fought; Mark was a poised family man with a flourishing company. Knowing who Xenia's man was, Mark avoided rubbing his happiness in front of the woman he owed almost everything he possessed to.

The man even showed concern when he saw Xenia down heartened, "Xenia, what's wrong?"

"Eh, nothing, Sia, please hurry. We haven't got all day."

Xenia hated when Sia lingered every time she came to pick her up at Marks's house. Even if they didn't bicker anymore, being around Mark still annoyed her. The woman recognized that he made efforts, but this did not erase everything Mark did.

Though Mark knew his questions bothered Xenia, he continued. Stirring a verbal joust with his Ex was almost tradition, "come on, Xenia, I know you. Is it your mom?"

"Mark, please."

"Is it Mr. C. Asthon-serial-number-I-don't-remember?"

Even the Mr. Accountant disappeared from Mark's mouth; he respected Gregory to some extent. Mark couldn't forget how the man stepped in for Xenia and how he made him want to become the gardener of his foyer.

Xenia rolled her eyes and deepened her voice, "Listen, Mark, whatever the problem is, you are the last person I'd like to share it with."

The man smiled, "ah, there you are. I was wondering where feisty Xenia was."

"What are you guys talking about?" Sophia asked as she helped Sia put on her coat.

Mark turned and explained, "Xenia has problems with her man."

"Mark, listen, I'm not in the mood, okay. Sia, have you got everything?"

"Yes, mom."

Xenia ushered Sia to the door, followed closely by Mark, "you know whatever the problem running isn't the solution."

Xenia stopped in the middle of the hall and turned in slow motion, "pardon, who says I'm running?"

"You're running now from discussing the issue with me, and you probably wore PUMA ignites to get away from your man."

"Mark, I don't know what you are thinking, but Gregory and I are fine, you hear me. Now please stop trying to be friendly or whatever. It doesn't suit you at all."

"Is that so? You brought Sia here three weekends in a row when she's usually in London."

Xenia threw her hands up, "okay, Sherlock, what do you want me to say? Sia wanted to see her brother. I don't get why I have to justify it. If you're not happy with seeing daughter, fine, I won't bring her here anytime soon."

"Oh, come on, Xenia, don't twist things. I'm, we're just worried about you. Sia is worried about you."

"Wha-what?" Xenia crouched down to look at Sia, "are you worried? Why?"

The little girl lowered her head, "I don't want you to be angry at Gregory."

Xenia put her hands on Sia's shoulders, "honey, I'm not angry; it's just Gregoryㅡ."

Xenia found herself lost for words; she didn't know what to say because the truth was the man hadn't done anything.

Mark leaned on the wall and crossed his arms, "you know Xenia, there's something I've always hesitated to tell you, but as I see the state of your panda eyes and carved cheekbones, I think it's time. I don't know what the man did, but I'm sure that Gregory C. Ashton would offer you the world if it had a price tag."

Xenia cocked an eyebrow and stood up, "what on earth are you talking about, Mark?"

Xenia's eyes shifted from Mark to Sophia, who placed a hand on Mark's shoulder as if to give him strength. Mark immediately responded by patting Sophia's hand.

"Hey, stop it, spit it out, you guys are scaring me. You're acting like someone gave up the last KFC chicken drumstick to save someone."

"Xenia, it's not a joke. Gregory gave me this," Mark lifted his hands in praise, making Xenia gaze up as she expected something to come down from above.


"Xenia, the Novalab deal was Gregory. I can afford this house, my car, and this lavish lifestyle because Gregory accorded me the Novalab contract."

It was no surprise for Xenia; she knew Novalab was part of Astoria's wallet.

"Yeah, and?"

"He came to sign the deal himself, Xenia."

Xenia shrugged, "so what has it got to do with me? It's business; the guy is a tycoon."

"Gregory signed for you, Xenia. He gave that deal to me for you and Sia. The man even had a mediation for Sia's custody ready."


Sophia stepped forward, "Xenia, Gregory fought for you."

"Wait, I need a seat."

Xenia headed back to Mark's living room, where she sat on the couch, while Sophia and Mark remained standing.

"So you guys are telling me that Gregory gave you a deal of a lifetime for me?"


Xenia pointed her finger at Mark, "and that you stopped harassing me, and you signed mediation. All of that was Gregory's doing."


"And the fifteen thousand euros you gave me?"

Mark put his hands in his pockets and shrugged, "Gregory added it so I could pay you back."

Xenia grasped her head while shaking it, "why, Mark, why are you revealing everything now?"

"I just thought you needed to know. That man loves you, and I bet it isn't the only thing he has done for your brown eyes."

Xenia was dumbstruck. Only Sia, who now desired to go home, brought Xenia's soul back amongst the living as she whined and asked her mother to stand up.

Xenia left Mark's house without saying a word.

"You did good, babe," Sophia kissed Mark.

"Do you think so?"

"Yeah, Xenia needed to know the truth. Speaking of confessions, I wanted to tell her that I was pregnant again, but I thought she had enough bombshells info for the night."

Yes, Sophia and Mark were now a happy couple awaiting their second child. Everything was going clockwise for Mark, who wished for Xenia to experience the same amount of joy.

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